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Lithium under standard conditions, it is the lightest metal and the least dense solid element.


"Ma..." She whined. "I don't want to go."

Her mother sent her a horrified look. "No."


"From the moment you came home, all you did was work, eat and sleep!" Her mother turned to her father for help. "Amado, talk to your daughter!"

"If she doesn't want go to the anniversary party, let her be," her father shrug it off.

"See!" She points her spoon at her father. "Even papa agrees!"

"Iveanna Reinne Lacson," her mother boomed her full name.

Oh oh, she thought with her breakfast frozen mid air.

"Did I hear someone say, Iveanne?"

She saw her brother by the door which makes her mother turn and run to hug him. Thank god, she silently thank her brother.

"Hey, ma," she rolled her eyes when she saw her brother hug their mother first. He is always a mama's boy. "Hey, pa."

"Adrian," her father greeted him.

"Ivy!" She took a big bite of her toast before her brother crush her with a hug from behind.

She let out a loud groan when her back hits the metal frame of the chair. "Let go of me, dimwit."

"Ivy!" Her mother scolded her. "Don't curse in front of the food. This." She made hand gestures towards her. "This. This is the reason why nobody wants to date her."

That wasn't even a curse, she thought. "Ma," she sigh and look at her papa for help.

"Grace," her father address her mother. "Just let her."

"What did I miss?" Her brother asked, taking a seat beside her.

"The usual," she mumble, taking a sip of her warm chocolate drink.

"Adrian," their mother sat in front of her. "Where's your fiancée?"

"With her family," Adrian replied while reaching the pancakes.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the camp?" Her father asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Mmm..." He took a big bite of his pancakes. "I took a leave knowing my sister is home. What happened to plain old rice?"

"I happen." She replied finishing her breakfast.

"Will Drei be at the anniversary?" Her mother asked her brother.

She saw his brother nod and thank the heavens their mother didn't pester them anymore. She quietly stand up and dispose her plate on the kitchen counter and sigh.

Her mother keeps on telling and nagging her to attend the anniversary party of their farm but she knows her mother is thinking of something different other than mingle with friends. For her mother, its that rare opportunity to let her friend's sons meet her one and only daughter. She hates being on the spotlight and being arranged.

"Ivy!" Adrian calls her sister when her phone on the table kept on ringing.

"What?" She emerge from the kitchen while wiping her hands.

He points to her phone. "Your phone is ringing."

She quickly grab her phone and saw that its an international call. Who would be calling her at this hour?

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now