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Phosphorus exist in two major forms - white phosphorus and red phosphorus - but because its highly reactive, phosphorus is never found as a free element on Earth.


Hayden stood still with shock when Reinne kissed him. Her lips were warm and tasted like strawberries. It took him second to comprehend what is happening.

Reinne moved to pull back when Hayden didn't responded to her kiss. She can feel humiliation and reject. She had too much drink. But before she can move, Hayden wrap his arms around her and press her to him, kissing her hard.

Reinne let out a gasp when their bodied touched. Hayden took advantage of her gasp to slip his tongue inside. She felt warm and light head with his kiss.

Hayden explored her taste. Grapes and strawberries. Reinne run her fingers to his silky hair, which earned a groan from Hayden. If Hayden can pull her nearer, he will, but all he can thought of was getting rid of her dress.

Reinne can feel Hayden's arousal on her stomach. She let go, when all she wanted was for him to take her, right here right now. She didn't want the board members to have a porn shown at the event.

Reinne look to see Hayden's dark eyes stare at her. She felt her body on fire, just with a simple look. None of them spoke and just stare at each other as they catch their breath.

"Hayden," The both turn to see Heather smirking at them. "Dad said its time for the announcement."

Hayden nod at her and glance back to Reinne before entering back to the dinner. Reinne glance at his back before turning her attention to Heather, who was sending her knowing looks.

"That was hot."

The statement made Reinne choke up on her saliva while her face turned ripe tomato. She sent Heather a horrified look. "I'm sorry...I--we..."

Heather wave her off. "Pfff... That's nothing. Hayden seen worst with me and my husband."

Reinne turned redder by the minute and Heather just laugh at her. "I like you," she turn to Heather in shock.


"You're different," Heather nod. "You have more class and much more smarter than his past relationship."

Reinne was speechless with what Heather said and decided to straighten out something. "We are not in a relationship."

"You will be," Heather patted her arm. "I much prefer having a paramedic sister-in-law than some skinny blonde bimbo. Better get inside. Hayden might need your support."

Reinne nodded at her follow her back to the event. She felt flattered that Heather took a liking at her.

"May I present to you the new CEO of Energy Group and Brewery, my only son, Hayden Sarmento," Reinne entered just in time to see Hayden took his Father's place on the stage.

Reinne leaned back at the wall away from the crowds. She can see Hayden from where she's standing and she can feel herself blooming proud for him.

Hayden glance around the room and saw Reinne standing at the far corner. That's all he need before her started his speech.

"Thank you for coming tonight," Hayden eyes stayed on her. He's into her deep and never in a million years he will ever feel like this again. With her just standing at the corner, calm him down knowing she's there in the room with him.

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now