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Oxygen is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table and is highly reactive nonmetal and oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides.


Sleep has never been this refreshing. The moment her body touched her bed, sleep consumed her right way.

Reinne prepared her usual hot chocolate instead of a coffee. The last time she drank one caused her a sudden trip to the hospital. Won't risk it again.

The sound of a knock on her door broke the moment of silence in her apartment. She glance at the time on the microwave its glowing red number says its 45 minutes after eight in the evening.

Carrying her hot choco, she head to the door. Who could it be? The persistent knocking on the door became continuous.

"Coming," She opened the door and was greeted with a man with chestnut brown hair, pale complexion and mint eyes.

"Reinne?" He has a British accent.

"Jace," she kept her expression stoic. "Why are you here?"

Reinne glance around and see that Jace held a basketfull of fruits. He scratch his neck while glancing around if he had the right address.

"I'm sorry. I thought, I had the right address," He move to leave. "Sorry for disturbing."

"Are you looking for Jubileen?" Reinne smirked at his expression.

"Do you know her? Where does she live?"

Reinne gestured him to enter her apartment. "She lives here."

Jace drop the basket on the coffee table and turn to scan at her apartment. Reinne took a big sip of her warm drink and remembered about her manners.

"Can I get you something? Coffee, tea, juice, beer, wine or water?"

"Water, please," Jace turn to her. "Is she around? Can I talk to her?"

Reinne went to dispose her cup first before giving him a bottle water. "She's not here."

"Then, where is she?"

"Work," Reinne nod at him. "She has night shifts. If you want to talk to her better do it in mornings. Not evenings."

Jave nod in understanding. "I see. Well, I better get going. Will you tell her that I came to see her?"

Reinne nod. "Will do."

She watch Jace disappear. Telling him that Jubileen work for the other company wasn't her place. She'll let her friend handle her own problems.

She grab the basket Jace brought and place it on the table. At least, he brought her fruits instead of flowers. Her friend hates that.

She grab her phone and message her friend.

Reinne: your guy passed by to say hi.

Reinne grab an apple from the basket and felt her phone vibrate.

Jubileen: really? What did he say?

Reinne: nothing much. Just asking if you were around.

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now