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Argon is the third most abundant gas in the earth's atmosphere.


"Thank you for doing this," Reinne said.

"Its nothing," Hayden started the car. "We are just going to gate crash a wedding. No big deal."

"We are not gate crashing," Reinne put on her seatbelt. "We are actually invited."

Hayden chuckled at her. Reinne glance at the rearview mirror to see Drew's car following right behind them.

"They are curious of what you look like," Reinne chuckled when she remembered their conversation last night.

"You never told them about me?" Hayden asked glancing at her.

Reinne shrug. "Not yet. Drew knew you existed due to the bear while with Jubileen the bear and the shirt. So, if they found out that Hayden S. and Hayden Sarmento, the CEO of Energy Group are actually one person...can you imagine their reaction?"

"Did you know that they will know today when we arrive at the venue and I went out of this car?"

"Please," She scoff. "As if you don't want to see their reaction."

Hayden laugh then Reinne's phone rang. She saw Jubileen's name flash on the screen and put it on speakerphone.


"Are you really won't going to tell us who's on the driver seat?"

Reinne laugh while Hayden chuckled. "You'll known when we arrive."

"And my five inched stilettos will be ready to kill you," Her friend threatened.

"That's harsh," She heard Drew said at the background.

Reinne gestured Hayden to say something. "Hi."

She nearly drop her phone when Jubileen and Drew cheered.

"Oh my gosh, Drew! He sounds so manly," Jubileen gushed.

"Jub, he's real! I thought our friend just made him up," Drew countered.

"Hey, guys?" Reinne felt herself redden when Jubileen opened her mouth.

"And Ivy said he wasn't lousy in bed. Because if he is, he wouldn't be on that car with her," Her friend converse comfortably as if she wasn't on the other line.

Hayden laugh when he heard Jubileen said those words. He glance at Reinne to see that she's as red as a tomato.

"And also--"

Reinne ended the call before Jubileen gets to finish her sentence. Hayden laughed out loud while Reinne just wished the car ride was over.

"So, you told them an erotic bedtime story?"

"Shut up, Hayden," She grumbled. She glance at the other car to see her friends laughing their ass off. She's regretting telling them everything.

Last night after her conversation with Jubileen and Drew, she called Hayden and asked him if he could be her plus one at the wedding. He didn't hesitate.

"What time's the wedding?" Hayden asked.

"Six in the evening," Reinne shrug. "Can we bail out?"

Hayden glance at her then back at the road. "Why? We are already an hour away. Are you chickening out?"

"I'm not...chickening out," Reinne sigh. "I just don't think that its a great idea."

"There's a 7-11 500 meters from here," Hayden pointed the sign to her. "Let's take a break."

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now