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Beryllium is a relatively rare element in the universe, usually occurring as a product of the spallation of larger atomic nuclei that have collided with cosmic rays.


Reinne sat quietly in her father's study watching her boss sit in front of her and her ex boss, who is sitting in her Father's swivel chair. The silence in the room is suffocating. She was about to speak up when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" She answers.

"Its Mae, Miss Ivy."

"Come in."

She watch Mae stroll inside with a tray and place it on the coffee table on the other side of the room.

She stood up and grab her cup. She can't breath with the tension in the room.

"Miss Ivy?"

She turn to see Mae looking at her. She thought she had left already. "What is it, Mae?"

"There's a call for you. From Mr. Keith Gallo."

Hayden saw her body stiffen when the name Keith saw uttered. He watch her slowly place her cup on the table before facing the woman by the door. Her face is pale and her lips are turning blue. He can see her breathing fast.

"Miss Ivy?"

"Thank you, Mae," she quietly say while calming herself. Breath in, she thought to herself. Breath out. She turn to face her father's bookshelf to calm down. Once her breathing returned to normal, she face Mr. Kurt, her old boss.

"Mr. Kurt," she approach slowly. "Why are you here?"

Hayden watch the old man chuckle. "Always direct to the point, Reinne."

Hayden quietly watch the two interact as if they are old friends. Reinne watch her boss looking at them with a stoic face.

"Mr. Kurt, fifteen minutes ago, I received a call from my secretary telling me that you are looking for me. Why is that?"

Kurt Sarmento face the window. "Hayden, give her the papers."

Hayden slid a thick manila envelope towards her. She sat on the chair she evacuated and open the envelope. She grab the paper on the top and the words written in bold letters made her look back to her bosses.

"What does this mean?' She ask in a quiet whisper, removing all the papers inside the envelope.

Kurt Sarmento sat the swivel chair in front of him and stare at Reinne, who was staring at his Father's last will and testament.

"Those are my Father's last will and testament," Kurt said.

Reinne snap her attention to Kurt. "Then why am I reading it?"

"Last week, my attorney called me while I was on a vacation with my wife," Kurt said on a business tone. "Regarding on my Father's last will and testament. Confused as to why our attorney called me for that, it turns out he missed something out."

"How is that possible?" She turn at the papers in her hand before glancing on the person sitting on her father's chair.

"There was one part in the will which states that Herminigeldo Tongchua Sr.," Reinne stiffen when she heard her late grandfather's name being called out. "A friend of Julian Sarmento is the sole owner of Energy Plant."

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now