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Germanium is a lustrous, hard, grayish-white metalloid in the carbon group, chemically similar to its group neighbors tin and silicon.


"I must say," Jubileen whistled in awe. "This is a one awesome house."

"I never thought that in a million years I'll be stepping foot inside my boss' house," Drew mutter in disbelief.

Reinne laugh and tap Drew in the back. "Get used to it already."

"Where's your handsome boyfriend by the way?" Jubileen wiggled her brows as she sat on the couch, shuffling through different magazines.

Reinne chuckled and sat beside her. "It's his friend's, Mark, birthday today."

"And why are you here all alone in this big lonely house?" Jubileen asked her with her eyebrow up.

Reinne roll her eyes. "I'm not alone. If I'm alone, then what are you? A ghost?"

"You know what she mean," Drew sat in front of them, giving Jubileen a beer. Oh, how she wished that she can drink some alcohol.

"Glad to know you were able to locate the kitchen," Reinne scoff at Drew, who shrug. "Besides, he needs to spend time with his friends also."

"And leave you all alone to yourself?" Jubileen glare at her. "You're pregnant with twins."

"Its not that big of a deal as you imply it," She wave it off. "Now, chose a movie. I'm just going to make popcorn."

"Cheese!" Jubileen and Drew yelled.

Reinne made her way towards the kitchen and shuffled around in search for the popcorn. Hayden didn't want to leave her alone but she's the one who insisted that he should hangout with his friends.

"Can I help you, Miss Lacson?"

Reinne glance to see Sharon, the head housekeeper, by the doorway carrying laundry. "I'm looking for popcorn. Do you know where Hayden kept it hidden?"

Sharon place the laundry by the counter and open the drawer above her. "Do you want me to prepare it for you?"

"No need," She took the pack from her. "I can do it and please call me Reinne or Ivy. Miss Lacson seemed so formal."

The middle aged woman smiled at her before graving the laundry again. "Okay...I'll be in the quarters if you need help."

Reinne nod and started making popcorn while Jubileen opened up Netflix and played A Walk In The Clouds, much to Drew's disdain. "Let's face it Keanu Reaves looks hot in the 90s," Reinne commented while stuffing her mouth with popcorn.

"I'm with you," Jubileen gave Reinne a high five before turning her attention back to the screen.

"Can we watch something else?" Drew groaned. "You girls have watched this movie a thousand times. Can we watch Fist Fight instead?"

"You seriously think that I will allow you to watch a movie which is filled with violence, strong language and undesirable trait for a teacher?" Reinne scoff. "Think again."

"But its Ice Cube!"

"And I'm pregnant with two kids," She replied back.  "Now sit down and watch or I'll kick you out."

Drew made the best decision in shutting up. Half way through the movie, someone rang the doorbell.

"Its almost 12," Drew glance at his phone then to the door. "Who would be knocking at twelve in the evening?"

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now