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Zinc is the first element in group 12 of the periodic table.


Sierra? Who's Sierra? She obviously must have mean something to Hayden, since he paled and stare at the hospital wall with his phone attached to his ear. Reinne can feel something gnawing at her chest at the way Hayden reacted to the name. Reinne watch Hayden leave her side and out of the room, in silence obviously leaving her out of the conversation. Reinne felt a thousand needles prick her chest and her breath slowly got labored. No. Not now.

Hayden just got off the phone when there was a loud buzz sound coming from Reinne's room. "Nurse!" Hayden yelled to a nurse as he dash inside to see Reinne clutching the sheets tightly. Her knuckles are turning blue and her muscles are starting to stiffen. The sounds inside the room are muffled in Hayden's ears. He can't hear anything except for the pound of his heart in his ears. He watch Reinne slowly responding to the medicine the nurse administered to her. He held her cold hand as the hospital staff left to give them their privacy.

He knows she heard him hut decided to kept quiet. He can't bear to tell her about Sierra just yet. Just when everything was starting to be right, she decided to show up. Hayden barely scrap the amount of problems pilled in the office but the problems just kept on pilling back. He still haven't catch the damn thief, he still have some business with his father, there is also the lawsuit he filed against Reinne's uncle and then Sierra decided to bump herself up in the picture. It wasn't just a pure coincidence.

Hayden clasp Reinne's hand with his both hands and press a kiss on it. He can't loose her. He was slowly becoming the man he used to be when Sierra left. He doesn't want to go back there. For the first time in his life, he founded a purpose. Every since, he worked for his father's appreciation but it seems like he's disappointing him everyday. When Hayden heard that Reinne's pregnant, he was over the moon with joy. No amount of money could mount the happiness he felt. Up to this day, he still can't believe that he was able to create something so fragile and beautiful. He can't wait to hold them. To teach them about life, and he hoped and prayed that he won't be like his father. But, he knows that Reinne will be there for him to make sure that he will be the best father his children could ever ask.


The plane ride home was quiet. Too quiet to be exact, not that Jubileen minded but the tension between the couple in front of her is immeasurable. She didn't know what happened between the two of them. The moment Reinne got discharged in the morning, she insisted to go back despite the doctor's advise for her to rest before travelling. What the hell happened in hospital right after she left?

The plane ride back for Reinne consists of 12 hours of ignoring Hayden or she tried. She tried to focus on the view outside when all she wanted to do was look at Hayden but her pride held her back. She's pissed at him for not telling her who's Sierra. She's not forcing him to tell her, she knows all she has to do was ask but she wanted Hayden to tell her not because she asked or forced to but because he wanted to. She trust him too much, and that scares her the most.

Jealously is a new trait for Reinne. When she was in a relationship with Keith, she never felt jealous when Keith went out to his officemates which were girls but with Hayden, she just wanted him for herself. She sounds like a clingy girlfriend, so what? She's his girlfriend, his pregnant girlfriend. She has every right to cling on him.

"This is your captain speaking. We are about to land in 30 minutes. May I please request everyone to return to their respective seats..."

Reinne drown out the voice of the captain speaking and fixed her seat before fastening her seatbelt.

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now