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Carbon is a nonmetallic and tetravalent making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds.


"Are you sure you have everything you need?" Her mom asked for umpteenth time.

She's starting to regret letting them drive her to the airport. "Yes, ma."

She knew she didn't leave anything. Last night, she made sure that she packed everything already. She also hand in the grades of the students to her high school teacher. She even gave Boron an extra cube and allow Pooper, their cat, to roam around her room.

"Don't forget to message us when you arrive, okay?" Her brother hug her before giving her trolley.

She nods. "And tell CJ to come home even once. Ever since he started working, he never came home." Her mother blabbed.

She signaled her father to drag her mother away after giving them hugs and kisses. She checked in her luggage and wait in the departure area.


The thing she hates about traveling; jet lag. Reinne back momentarily frozen when the cold air hit her. She forgot to wear warmer clothes. She got used to the hot temperature back home and the cold air got her freezing.


She look up to see her friend, waving at her. "Jubileen!"

She run up to her with her trolley. Reinne gave her friend a warm hug.

"What the fuck?" Jubileen said. "Your freezing!"

Reinne rub her exposed arms. "Thanks for stating the obvious."

"Hey, boss."

She turn to see Drew leaning by the driver side. She didn't bother asking why the two of them are together.

"Can someone give me a jacket?" She ask before sliding in the passenger seat.

"Here," Jubileen hand her a black cardigan.

Reinne shrug on the cloth. "So, why are you and Drew together?"

"I know what your thinking, Ivy." Jubileen glare at her friend.

Reinne snickered and stop herself from teasing her friend when Drew came in and start the car.

"So, how's the vacation?" Drew asked while they head to her and Jubileen's apartment.

"Stressing," she sigh as she sent her brothers a message.

"Oh, right," Jubileen said. "You were teaching high school science for a month?"

"Actually, I was a substitute for 26 days, if you don't count the weekends."

"Still," Jubileen turn to her. "What happens to resting and enjoying?"

She roll her eyes to her friend. "You know rest and enjoy are not in my vocabulary."

"Why you going back to work on Monday?" Drew ask.

"Yeah," she nod. "I have things to do."

"By the way, about Mr. Kurt," Drew hesitantly asked. "What was the urgent news?"

"Apparently, they wanted me to inherit the plant," she told them.

"What?" Both Drew and Jubileen said at the same time.

"They want you to inherit the plant?" Jubileen repeated what Reinne said. "Why?"

"They said that my grandpa owned the plant we are working," she explain. "And my mother refused. You got the whole picture?"

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now