
65 2 0

Silicon is a hard and brittle crystalline solid with a blue-gray metallic luster.


"Hey, if you receive this message please call back. Its kinda important."

"What the hell? A board member? How did that happen?"

"Hayden, if you won't answer one of my calls, right now. I will track you down and castrate you. I mean it."

"Call back. I want answers."

Hayden chuckled as he replaying her voice messages. She found out. Too bad, he wasn't there to see her expression.

Hayden watch the plane touch down in the runway. Two weeks away was enough for him to form a plan to woo her. Damn, he sound like a teenager asking his crush out on a date. Planning. Nothing will every go to plan.

Hayden curse. Hell with it. The anniversary is in three days, he knows she will be there.

"Mr. Sarmento," He glance at the stewardess, who's pushing her probably silicone implanted boobs at his face. He would probably bang her if he hadn't meet Reinne. "We have arrived."

"Thank you, Bianca," He said, passing by her without a second glance.

He shook hands with the captain and went inside the waiting car. He decided to see her on the anniversary, this will going to test his patience.


"Hold still, Ivy," Jubileen snapped at her friend.

Reinne groaned while Jubileen curled her hair. "Why can't I just tie it up?"

"Because you are not going to the office," Drew smirked at her irritated look.

She fidget in her sit which earn her a slap from Jubileen. "Stop moving, or I'm going to burn your hair."

"I never attend to this kind of events."

"You got invited," Drew said, sitting at her bed with a bowl of popcorn. "But you always make excuses not to attended."

"But now, you have to attend because you're a board member," Jubileen pinned her hair to the side.

"That's the thing!" Reinne turned to Jubileen, who was lucky enough to dodge the curling iron. "Why can't I ditch this event and attend tomorrow's instead with the rest of you?"

Jubileen unplug the curling iron before it could burn either one of them. "You don't have a reason to. Now hold still while I apply your make-up."

"Why am I doing this to myself?" She asked, while Jubileen applied a concealer. "I'm allergic to this stuffs, you know that."

Jubileen turn her away from the mirror. "I know that. That's why I bought hypoallergenic and waterproof makeups."

Drew just shook his and continue eating his popcorn like his watching a movie. Jubileen on the the other hand was controlling her temper, not to smack the brush on her friend's face.

"Will you stop moving?" Jubileen snap at her. "If you want this done right way, stop moving."

Reinne obeyed her friend's order. She don't want to be hit by a flying brush and attend the event with a large bruise. Jubileen finished applying the final touches and ordered her to put on the dress. Drew left the room to grab popcorn and nearly drop the bowl when Reinne emerge from her room.

The person standing in front of him was a totally different person. She screamed elegance with her midnight blue dress that shows of her tan, slim arms and her well shaped body.

The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Where stories live. Discover now