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A/N: This chapter has been edited all thanks to Riya121. This chapter showed so many great improvements (I read this chapter before posting). If you are planning to edit some parts of your story, especially the grammar, just message her or a quick shout out to her.

Thank you so much 😘😘😘😘

P.S., I did it.
P.P.S. Words of wisdom, rules! 😉😉


Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe.


"Bitch! Congratulations!" Her friend, Dianne screamed at her ear.

She laughed,"Thanks, babe."

"Totally knew you would get that promotion."

Reinne worked her ass off with overtimes just to be promoted as the Chief Chemist of the brewery. She is now working on her final thesis for her Doctorate. Being a chemistry graduate and to be away from her family was no joke.

"I knew too," she laughed while hanging her laboratory gown on her chair.

"So when will you visit us again?" Her best friend whined. "It's been five years already."

"Maybe after my Doctorate, Yan."

She heard her scoff at the other line. "Last you said after you get that promotion and now after your doctorate? Let’s set something straight, Ivy. Are you hiding from me?"


"Are you avoiding somebody?"

She nearly laughed at her friend's imagination, "No."

"Then why won't you come home?"

"Because I can't," she sighed. "I want to go home too, Deanne, but you know I can't."

"Hush!" Deanne exclaimed, “But be here on my wedding day. This bride needs her maid of honor."

"Wait, you’re getting married?!" She screamed on the phone. "When? How? Why?"

"Hold on. One at a time," Rienne heard her friend laugh. "Well, you know him and-"

"Shit. No way," she cut her off, "Keith?"


She squealed, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, maybe because of your past with the name Keith?"

"Shush. That was college. I felt betrayed," She faked a pained voice,"I am your best friend."

"Be my maid of honor?" She could sense her friend winning.

"Not so fast, Missy! I'm not through with you just yet!"

"Aw, come on. Please let it go?"


The Periodic Table Of Unfortunate Events (#1 Of The Chemistry Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя