Chapter 2

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I head to my locker to meet Caelyn, my best friend of all time who just happens to be a clarinet player, so we can ride home together. She rushes over when she notices I'm waiting on her.

"So Mr. Urie. Ohhhh, I can tell there's something there," she says mischievously.

"No there's not," I lie uselessly, we've been best friends sense as long as I can remember. She looks at me disbelievingly. I can tell she doesn't believe my story. Her mouth cracks into a huge smile. She ohhhs again, and laughs.

"Don't lie to me, I can tell. As you said it you tucked your hair behind your ear, it's your tell. Every time you lie. How do you think I always know your lying when you  say you don't like that one actor, what's his name, Dylan O'Brien."

We walk towards my car. As I climb in I notice Mr. Urie running toward us. He's shouting something I can't make out "Nicole, Nicole!" He finally makes it over to us.

"Hey Mr. Ur, er, Brendon, is everything alright?" I ask. He can barely breathe.

As he gasps for air he manages to get out,"Mr.Heath announced that you guys have a last minute contest next week."

"What? We aren't even close to being ready." I rant on and on for probably a good 5 minutes.

"Are you done?" Caelyn asks. I nod. "About time, man, you've got a set of lungs. Any who, Mr. Urie, when next week?"

"Friday, you guys can stay after schools and practice if you would like. I can help you," he nods toward me, "and Mr. Heath can help you," he then nods in Caelyn's direction.

I look at her to see what she thinks she shrugs, and gets out of the car. She walks around the front and stands behind Brendon. "Are you coming?" She asks, making weird looks as she looks back and forth from me to Brendon. I open the car door and I climb out.

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