Chapter 19

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The car lands on its top. I take Violets jacket that she left in here the other day and wrap it around my hand. I knock all of the excess glass from the window. I slide out of the window, I stand, or try to rather. I fall back to the ground. I, then, crawl over to Brendon's side and knock all of the glass off of his window as well. I climb in over top of him, and unbuckle his seatbelt. I roll him onto his back, back against the ceiling. I slide him out of the car window slowly, he's heavier than expected.

"Help!" I scream, "help!" A man hears me as he's walking by, he runs over to help. He's a strong looking man, he's tall and muscular. He bends over and picks Brendon up.

"Follow me, I have a car not to far from hear." I nod, doing as I'm told.

We arrive at the car and he instructs me to open the door, I do. He lays Brendon down in the backseat and climbs in the front. I walk to the passenger side and get into the car. We drive to the hospital, definitely speeding. We're there in less than ten minutes. The man picks him up out of the backseat and carries him inside. The sliding doors open and the nurses look over seeing us the start to yell for doctors. Doctors come with a gurney. The man places Brendon neatly on the gurney. They run into the hallway, I watch as the go around a corner and are then out of sight. I turn around and immediately am met by a couple of doctors, rushing me into a room.

"Wait, I didn't get your name." The man turns and looks at me.

"Don't worry I'll be here when your finished, we can talk then."

I sit on the examination table. They smother me, like bees on honey. I am checked over, up and down. The doctors run a couple of tests and then I'm rushed into another room. It's full of testing equipment. I am put into the M.R.I machine, along with a couple other different machines.

They finish and put me back into my original room. They tell me that, miraculously I only have a minor concussion.

"What about my baby?"

"What, I didn't know you were pregnant."

"Uh, yeah."

"Well we're going to have to do a few more tests," he says taking out his stethoscope. He puts it up to my stomach. "How far along are you?"

"Two or three months."

"Well I hear a heartbeat, barely. It's close to normal, but we are going to have to send you to a specialist, or have one come here. Which would you prefer?"

"One to come here."

"Ok someone will be in soon." He turns to leave but I stop him, yet again.

"Can you send that one guy in, he's in the waiting room. He helped us." He nods, exiting the room.

The man comes in and sits down. "Hey how are you feeling?"

"Fine, thank you by the way I wouldn't know what we would've done without you."

"No problem, the names Jim."

"Nice to meet you, Jim. Nicky."

"And you, Nicky."

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