Chapter 8

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Brendon pulls some pork chops out of the refrigerator. Next he takes a bag of potatoes out of the cabinet along with two cans of green beans. He grabs a knife from the drawer and sits down at the table. I grab a knife from the same drawer and sit down next to him.

We peel and cube the potatoes. Brendon fills a pot with water and puts it on the stove. In doing so, he hits his hand off of the burner, burning his hand very badly. He gets a big blister in a matter of seconds, he groans.

"Brendon, oh my gosh, are you ok?"

"Fine," he groans, obviously not fine. I run over to him and he tries to hide it from me. "I'm fine, really."

"No, no your not, you're burnt. It's really bad, actually. Where's your first aid kit?"

"Upstairs in the bathroom, but I don't need it." I don't even argue with him, there's no point. I go up to the bathroom and find the kit under the sink. I return to the kitchen, Brendon is now sitting at the table. I sit down next to him and open the kit. I take out burn cream, gauze, wrap, and medical tape.

Once I finish, he grabs my head, pulling me into a kiss. I kiss him back, and pull away. I run away quickly. Brendon following, I run into the bedroom. Brendon enters a few seconds later. He pushes me onto the bed climbing on top of me, kissing me more passionately. He then pulls away to remove his shirt. He, then, removes my shirt, as well. He kisses me again and starts to remove his pants.

"Brendon," I stop to think of what to say.

"We can stop, if you would like."

"No, don't stop," and with that he unbuttoned my jeans. He rips them from my body. I rush to cover myself suddenly embarrassed. He chuckles and moves my hands. He pulls the blankets up over us. He removes my bra, as well as my underwear. That's about the moment Caelyn walks in.

"Hey Nicky, will you, OH MY GOD! Oh my goodness I'm sorry I wasn't aware I'll come back later." I had completely forgotten about her being here. Brendon gets off of me and hands me my underwear and bra. He gets off the bed to retrieve my other clothes. I hurry and get dressed.

"Hey Caelyn what do you need?" She giggles pulling me into the empty studio.

"Oh no, there's nothing between us, he's a teacher," she says mockingly. "What happened to that, huh. Now it's like, 'oh teach me something new Mr. Urie.'" She giggles even louder.

"Well, one, technically there's no more school, so he's not a teacher. Two I never said any of that, and three you would do the same thing if it was you."

"True, anyway I need you to go to the store and get some tampons. I didn't bring any."

"Ok I can do that," I say and exit the room.

"Hey Brendon, can I borrow your car? I have to run to the store."

"Yeah the keys are on the stand over there." He nods toward the stand near the door.

"Thanks, you need anything?" He nods. I kiss him good bye. I get to the car and someone grabs my hair, knocking my head off of the cars door. A man takes the keys from my hand. Within a few seconds all in see in black.

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