Chapter 6

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Nothing really happens in the week following.

Then it was the day I dreaded for the past week. Contest day. I was so nervous that I could barely breathe. Standing over in a corner, hyperventilating, is me. I'm freaking out. Caelyn comes over and tries, but can't calm me down, she then leaves, look of determination on her face.

Next I know Brendon comes over and tries to calm me down. After failing time after time, telling me to hold my breath to slow my breathing, telling me to close my eyes, he tries everything. Then he, unexpectedly, kisses me. KISSES ME IN PUBLIC!!

Although it was embarrassing, it helped. I could breathe at a normal pace. "I told you holding your breathe would help," he says, casually, like it never happened.

"Thanks," I say embarrassed.

"No problem, I'll kiss you anytime." He smiles that sexy smile and walks away.

That's when Caelyn shows back up. "So Mrs. Urie, was it good?" She's been calling me this sense last Friday. I nod, violently.

"It was very good." She smiles, she is such a dork. She grabs my hand and walks me over to everyone else. "Did anyone else see?" I whisper in her ear. She whispers no to me and goes on about her business.

The concert is now over, and we wait for a rating. We get superior which is the second highest you can get. Everyone then leaves except me, Caelyn, and a few others. We then leave too.

We arrive at the car, and climb in. I rotate the engine. It doesn't start. I try again, doesn't start. "Goddammit, we're out of gas." I get out and kick the car, repeatedly. This leaves another dent in my already very dented car. Everyone I know already left, except, Brendon, who walks through the door. "Mr. Urie, Mr. Urie, Brendon," I yell, he doesn't hear at first but when he finally does, he turns.

"Nicole, what's wrong?" He looks very concerned.

"My car is out of gas and now we can't get home," I say mentioning toward Caelyn who has now caught up. "Can we get a ride to the gas station?"

"Sure, do you have a gas can?" I think about it.

"Crap! I don't, I took it out the other day." I am so angry I can feel my cheeks getting red.

"Well, I don't have one in this car, would you two like a ride home?"

"You don't mind?"

"Not at all, Caelyn is it? Would you like a ride as well?"

She nods. "Home, Kyle's or my house?" I ask, you can never tell.

"Your house is fine."

"Ok then, let's get going," we all climb into his grey car. Then we are off.

Then it happens, the sound so loud it could burst your eardrums. A light so bright you could go blind. An explosion. An explosion throws us into ditch.  I am trapped. The force of the car hitting the ditch was so great it crushed my door into me. The pain is so excruciating. I see Brendon get out and rush over to my side of the car. I can see him calling my name, but I can't hear it. I can see Caelyn crying at the sight of me in here. I can see her call someone. She then hangs up gets angry and throws her phone onto the ground. It hurts so bad it doesn't even hurt. You know like when water is so hot it feels like it's freezing or why the tell you not to touch liquid nitrogen because it's so cold it will burn you. That is this, the pain is so bad it doesn't hurt. I watch everyone helplessly try to help me. I watch and watch as so many people come out of the school to try to help. I don't know where Caelyn went, probably to get all these people. She and Brendon throw rocks at the window it doesn't budge. Over and over the pounding on the door continues until I can't take it. I start to slip out of consciousness but can't. Brendon yells at me to not sleep, to stay with him, but I can't. I finally am relieved from my pain as I do so Brendon, for the first time this whole time, he starts bawling. He cries and hits the window with a golf club someone found. He hits the window repeatedly, crying. I want to cry too, but I can't. I can't do anything. I stay with the world until he finally breaks the window and glass goes everywhere. I am being pulled out of the window by two people, I can't tell who. The world finally goes black.

I wake on the grass, Caelyn and Brendon hovering over me. A look of relief spreads across both of their faces. Caelyn goes in her a hug, then remembers how bad I am so she backs away. Brendon leans down and kisses my forehead. I want to get up but I can't move anything but my eyelids, I can't even smile, so that's out of the question.

I slip in and out of consciousness for a while. It crazy seeing everyone together fighting for one cause. That cause being my life makes it crazier. I watch, unable to help in anyway, it drives me crazy. I can't move, I can barely breathe.

I slip out of consciousness one last time, before waking up in the hospital. Everyone around me, Jordan, Violet, Tara, Caelyn, Brendon. Everyone except my parents. I can tell everyone has cried recently. "Where's mom and dad?" I ask slowly, my words slurring. That's when Jordan begins to sob, the twins and Caelyn comforting him.

"Nicky, um how do I put this," I can tell what's coming but I need reassurance, "your parents, they, uh, they were very close to the explosion, and, um, well they didn't make it." I suddenly realized why everyone was crying so recently. I start to cry, it stings my eyes. I sit up, a little to quickly, the pain is intense but I don't care, I walk over to my siblings. I wrap my arms around them all. We all stand there crying, until I can finally get them to shuffle over to my bed. I sit down and pull the twins onto my lap, one on each leg, then Jordan stands there. I pat the bed beside me and he sits down. I pull him closer to me. We sit there for the longest time.

The doctor comes in with us in the same position. "Um, is this a bad time?"

"No come in," I hear Brendon say. The doctor nods.

"I'm Dr. Dodd, I'm the one who is in charge of diagnosing you. I happy to report that you only have a minor concussion. That's very lucky with what you went through. You can leave later, if you would like." I nod, and he exits the room.

"I'm hungry," Violet whines. Tara nods her head in agreement. We all stand up, one by one. We exit into the hall, I fall into everything, one of the nurses notices and hands Brendon a wheelchair, he makes me sit in it and he pushes me.

Once we finally make it to the cafeteria Brendon pushes me over to a table. "What would you like to eat?" he asks I shrug. "Do you like French toast?" I nod and after a minute or so, everyone is sitting at our table. Brendon brought me French toast which wasn't bad, considering it was hospital food.

We sit there for a while after we finish. We avoid the bad conversations and talk about life before the explosion. It hits me all of a sudden. "Where are we going to live now? Our house was probably destroyed."

"You can live with me," Brendon offers and both of the twins nod their head furiously. They must like him. I look at Jordan, he just shrugs in agreement.

"Ok with you I guess, is everyone ok with that?" everyone nods including Caelyn who isn't even concerned with it. I can tell what she's thinking. Something along the lines of why shouldn't Mrs. Urie live with her husband. I roll my eyes at her and she giggles. She knows I know what she's thinking.

I am released because they need the room. We don't have a car anymore, so we walk to Brendon's. It was a surprisingly short walk. Brendon gets out his keys and unlocks the door.

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