Chapter 11

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"What? Why? Wait what? Your brother, not only that your twin!!?

"Yes, um, well its a long story."

"We obviously have plenty of time. Spill, now!" I command, I could have been nicer, but, come on, that's a lot to take in all at once.

"Ok, ok, um, well, so after my parents died they left everything to me because, at the time, Tanner was in an institution," he stumbles across the word, obviously not wanting to talk about it, "after he got out, he wanted some of the money and valuables he didn't want anything with meaning. I refused thinking he wasn't ready. He then told me I would regret it. Afterward every once in a while he will break in and take something valuable, he never had the keys to any of my vehicles before, and he can't hot wire a car. Seeing you he took the opportunity and hurt you to hurt me. You dropping the keys was just a coincidence, in which he took as the opportunity to take my car also." After he finishes I just sit there in awe. He explained it so quickly, yet thoroughly.

"Wow," I say amazed. "So what are we going to do about it?"

"We are not doing anything. I am going to confront him later." Brendon is very forceful with this matter. This was all him, no exceptions. That was until I came along, without his knowing.

I got into the backseat of the old car found in the garage, and lay down, flat as possible. The closest I could possibly get to the drivers seat. I didn't want him to see me. After a couple of minutes, he climbs in the drivers seat, immediately starting the old car. The motor turns over a couple of times, but doesn't start. "Come on baby, I know you can do this," he says gently. He tries again, and successfully starts the car. "That's it I knew you could do it," he chuckles as he drives off. I steady my breathing the best I could. He sings along to a couple songs on the radio. Then we make a sharp turn and stop. He gets out slamming the door. I get up and peek out of the window. He bangs the door. Tanner comes to the door opening it slowly. Brendon goes in quickly, hitting his brother, repeatedly. I wait about ten minutes Brendon still hasn't come out of the house. I decide to go inside and see what's going on.

I slowly crawl out of the car, cautious not to make very much noise. I run across the yard, hunched over, as if no one can see me. I go to the door, which is still open. I slowly peek inside I don't see anyone. As I slowly open the door, I hear the fighting upstairs. I slowly creep my way up the stairs, not knowing what to expect. I can hear whimpering in another room. I make my way over to, what I'm assuming is a bedroom door, where the whimpering is coming from. I can't see much, so I push the door open a little more. All I see at first is Brendon on his knees, through a mirror on the wall, weeping. I open the door a little more to reveal the rest of the mirror. I see Tanner, who now has a gun, talking to Brendon. He turns as I open the door a little more, he noticed. He starts to run over to the door. I rush to go into the nearest room. It's a fairly large closet. I squeeze my way in between a couple of boxes. I can hear his foot steps come closer and closer. He stops in front of the door. It seems like forever but after a while he turns around and heads back. Letting out the breath I had been holding the entire time, I hear a loud 'bang'.

At first I didn't realize what it was but once I did, all I could do was get out of the closet. The loud sound was a gunshot.

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