Chapter 5

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Caelyn and I go straight to my house, can't disappoint the twins again. We pull into the garage, and they come running out dressed in their princess outfits. They run up and wait for me to climb out of the car, once I get out they hug me very tightly. Violet whispers into Tara's ear, who giggles and runs over Caelyn and gives her a hug also. "Mommy already made the tea and put it in the teapot," Violet says slurring her words.

"Come on, you have to get ready," whines Tara pulling on Caelyn's shirt. We make our way into the house leaving all of stuff in the car. We put on scarfs and tiaras and sit down at the tea party table, which is just one of those little plastic tables with the matching, folding chairs. I can barely fit in it but it makes the twins happy. My mom brings in the tea and some Oreos she bought just for tea parties.

After we have tea and cookies the girls tell us they have a fashion show for us to watch. They tell us to go to the living room and wait on the couch while they get ready. They finally come out in completely different outfits. Violet in a astronaut costume from Halloween, she always wanted to be an astronaut and mom finally gave in even though it was for boys. Tara was Shine from Shimmer and Shine, which the twins watched everyday. They turned so their backs were toward us, they turn back around and run off to get some more. It goes on like this for a while, finally they come in and ask which was our favorite. I say the astronaut, while Caelyn says the cow was her favorite. Then the twins sit down and turn on a recorded Shimmer and Shine episode.

We sit watching Shimmer and Shine until my mom gets home. She isn't surprised that Caelyn is here. "Another fight?" She asks, not meaning to be rude, she knows the situation.

"Yeah, they are getting better though," Caelyn replies. Mom nods and begins making dinner. Then my dad walks in, we are all surprised. He got off early. He smiles, and bends over to pick up both of the twins, who have run over to him.

"Daddy!" they both exclaim. He smiles and sets them down. He walks over to my mom and wraps his arms around her, she giggles and turns around. As she hugs him back, Jordan comes out and smiles, he may not admit it but Jordan really does miss my dad when he's gone for, anywhere from, 8-18 hours a day just to come home eat dinner and go to bed so he can get up early the next day. Jordan gets tired of being the only man in the house. My dad didn't even teach him how to shave, I did. He doesn't run over he definitely rushes. He hugs Dad, even though he knows he looks stupid. Caelyn doesn't laugh, though I can tell she wants too.

A while later, dinner is finally finished. We all sit down at the table, I pull Caelyn's regular chair up to the table, sitting down in my own. Mom comes over from the stove with a pan of biscuits, while my dad brings over the big pan of gravy. The twins go for the spoon but are immediately stopped by Mom who says, "Watch it's very hot, Jordan can you get Tara's and Nicky get Violets." We both nod and the twins sit back down defeated, Jordan gets Tara's, as well as his own and hands the spoon to me. I get Violet's, Caelyn's, then my own handing the spoon to mom who gets some and then offers to get dad's but he takes the spoon, and her hand, in his own scooping into his bowl. Everyone gets a biscuit and begins eating. After we are finished, We put all the dishes in the sink and it's Jordan's turn to wash them, so I have to clean the table. I finish and walk into my room, where Caelyn is sitting with all of our stuff she must've brought in from the car when I was cleaning.

"Thanks," I say.

She looks up from her homework, " your welcome, can you help me with this?" she asks. I nod, walking over to her standing by my desk, in which she is sitting at. It's the chemistry homework I also have to do.

"Hold on I have to do that too," I walk back by the door and grab my bag, I walk over to my bed sitting it down. I dig in and grab my chemistry folder taking the page out, then proceeding over to Caelyn, getting in the drawer to grab a pencil. I pull up a chair and sit down beside her. Working together we get all of our homework done.

I start getting the air mattress box out from under my bed, we leave it in here just for this reason. She starts to say something, "So," she stops.

"So what?" I ask genuinely curious, I always want to know what she's thinking.

"So, uh, Mr. Urie, huh?" She grins her evil grin. I laugh.

"What about him?"

"You know what, you are totally crushing, and I saw her hurry from that kiss, it was intense wasn't it. Oh, I know it was."

"Yeah, I guess he tried to kiss me and I turned away. Then he looked so embarrassed I had to kiss him, and it was so good."

"I knew it you are totally crushing, on a teacher," she almost yells.

"Shhhhhh!" I shush her, "my parents ARE in this house you know," I say hurriedly.

"Oh, sorry," she whispers. "What are you going to do, I mean, come on he's a teacher and that could get him in a lot of trouble," she says in her normal voice.
"I know, I know, ok, but, oh my gosh, I think we've really got something here, I mean, come on he tried to kiss me first. That's why he pulled me out of the room." I finally have someone to tell. It feels good to get that off of my chest, it hasn't even been that long. How can people keep secrets to themselves so long, I guess that's why Caelyn and I, know each other so well, we can't keep secrets from each other.

"I have no idea what we're going to do."

"We're?" I ask, she is NOT getting herself into this.

"Uh, yeah, you're not going through this alone, not on my watch."

"Bedtime, girls," I hear my mom say.

"Ok mom, after we air up the air mattress, we'll go straight to bed."

"Ok, honey," she yells back.

We get the air mattress up and can't remember who's turn it is.

"You can have it," I say, but she nods no.

"You can have it I think its your turn anyway," she says.

"No I'm pretty sure it's your turn."

It goes on like this until I end up on the bed and she on the air mattress.

"Goodnight Caelyn."

"Goodnight, Mrs. Urie," she says giggling to herself.

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