Chapter 16

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As soon as I get home, I show everyone my ring. The twins are astonished. Caelyn loves it, obviously it's so beautiful. Even Jordan likes it. He smiles and turns. He walks over to Brendon and shakes his hand. Brendon smiles from ear to ear. Once it does down, me and Brendon head to bed.

We lay there, both on our sides facing one another. My head is on his chest and he messes with my hair. "You know we really need to go to the doctor tomorrow. Maybe take the twins with us and make it a fun trip. Go to the park, go out to lunch, you know," he says.

"That's a great idea, they will love it." I am already excited. "They can get some energy out and not have to be stuck in the house all day."

He nods. He doses off once in a while. I, myself, am getting tired. I lay there for the longest time and finally go to sleep.

I wake the next morning Brendon still beside me keeping me warm. I don't move, I don't want to ever move. After about twenty minutes of me watching him sleep, gracefully, Brendon wakes. "Good morning,beautiful" he croaks not fully awake yet.

"And to you," I say, quietly. He tries to get up but I hold on to his arm not wanting to move. "Not yet, I just want to lay here awhile." He lays back down next to me holding me closer.

We lay like until the twins come in and whine that their hungry. Brendon gets up asking them what they want.

"French toast," one says but the other disagrees.

"But I want pancakes."

"Hey girls, I can make both, come on," he smiles and turns to me.

"You spoil them you know," I retort.

"Yeah I know," he exits the room. I get up and hop into the shower. I wash my hair, it feeling very gross. Then my body. I get out and dry off, I wrap myself in the towel and start drying my hair with a blow drier.

Brendon opens the door and pops in. He smiles hugging my body, hands around my hips. He sways, causing to sway also. I giggle and turn around so I face him. I kiss his lips and lay my head on his chest. Our bodies move in sync. He lifts my arms up to his shoulders and we are standing there moving like middle schoolers slow dancing.

Before long I have to get dressed so we can do stuff. He doesn't leave he watches me dress. I don't mind, I mean it's obviously not the first time he's seen me naked.

We walk down the stairs hand in hand. We walk into the kitchen and I immediately smell the maple syrup from the twins' breakfast. He makes us French toast. He says our baby better get used to it, it his favorite breakfast food. We eat making small talk and discussing what the day is going to hold. Once we finish, we help the twins get ready.

We put the two booster seats we have in the back seat. Tara and Violet get in, Brendon and I buckle them in and get into the front. With that, we are on our way

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