Chapter 17

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As we drive we listen to a cd that Brendon bought for the twins, it had songs like the wheels on the bus and row, row, row your boat. We stop at a gas station to get gas and snacks because we were going to the hospital first, and the twins would be bored.

We go inside, the twins pick out, Bug Juices, Little Debbie Cosmetic Brownies, and crackers. I grab an Apple Snapple, and a little bag of m&ms, while Brendon grabs a water and nothing else. We put it up on the counter and the twins can't reach so Brendon picks them up one at a time so they can put their stuff up on the counter.

Once we get to the hospital, Brendon hand each of them a brownie and a pack of crackers, taking a brownie for himself. We walk in and sit in the waiting room. We wait and wait. Finally the nurse comes out and calls our name, "Mr. and Mrs. Urie."

"Did you seriously put Mrs. Urie on that paper?" I ask him. He smiles

"Yep, we will be married soon. Plus, it seems less weird this way." He offers his hands to the twins, Tara takes it, but Violet denies it and runs up to grab my hand.

"Ok let's go." We follow the nurse back to a room, the twins still holding tight to our shirts.

I lie down as she tells me to. Brendon sits in one of the chairs, the twins share the other. Soon the doctor comes in and draws my blood she can make sure that I am, for sure, pregnant. She smiles back and confirms it, I'm pregnant. We schedule an appointment for a month from now so we can see the baby in the ultrasound.

We leave and head to the park. Once we arrive we walk across the street to get McDonald's food. We get our food and sit down at a picnic table and eat. Afterwards the twins go and play, while Brendon and I sit on top of the table and watch. We talk about various things, mostly baby and wedding stuff. We decide that after we're done here we should go to Wal-Mart and find some parenting books.

About thirty minutes later we call them back so we can leave, of course they aren't ready but Brendon bribes them, "If you can get in the car without whining, I'll buy you a candy bar, will that work?" they nod running for the car. We open the doors and let them in, and buckle them up. We climb in ourselves, Brendon grabs my hand intertwining our fingers.

We arrive at Wal-Mart. We have to get one of those car like carts with two seats. We buckle them up and we are off, we look for the book section. We find it and look for parenting books. There are way too many to choose from. We end up picking a couple, The Baby Book and The Happiest Baby on the Block.

We get into the checkout line and Brendon is reminded about the candy bar deal. They pick out their candy bars, Violet with a regular Hershey bar, and Tara with a Milky Way. Brendon asks if I would like one, but I don't. I nod my head and he grabs him a Snickers before asking me one more time, I nod again. He puts it up on the conveyer belt. The bill is about thirty dollars, Brendon pays and we exit the store.

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