Chapter 4

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His lips touch mine so softly, it's impossible, but yet it happens. The kiss gets more and more intense and in a matter of minutes, I'm in nothing but my underwear, he the same. He starts to take off my underwear, but, I can't do this, I won't do this. "Stop," I says sternly.


"I can't do this." He pulls away slowly, and sits on the bed beside me. "I'm sorry."

I wake with a jolt, all sweaty and gross. I get up and hop in the shower and turn on the cold water. I let pour over my body. I, now shivering, get out and start getting ready for school. After getting dressed, in a pair of leggings and a stylish t-shirt,  I go to get Jordan up, heading to the bathroom to style my hair and put on make-up. After I get ready, I walk into the kitchen to find two pop-tarts in the toaster for me.

"Thank you," I yell down the hallway to Jordan who is in his room getting ready. I grabs the pop-tarts and put them on a Styrofoam plate and head into the living room. I sit the plate on the coffee table and put my brown flats. I eat one of the pop-tarts and tell Jordan to hurry. I gather all of my books and homework and place them in my bookbag. Jordan, finally, emerges from his room with his bag and shoes on. He grabs his, untoasted, pop-tarts and we head out the door. He climbs in the backseat and we start the five minute drive to pick up Caelyn.

She walks out of her house, slamming the door behind her. "Another bad night?" I ask although I know the answer. She nods. "Then I guess your up for a tea party at my house after school."

"Of course, I love tea parties," she replies, laughing lightly. Jordan rolls his eyes in the backseat. "What you don't like tea parties?" Caelyn teases.

"Um, no."

I put the car in drive and we head for the high school.

Jordan gets out first, grabbing his bag and running over to a group of friends. Caelyn and I get out and automatically go to our lockers to put our stuff away. Then we head to the band room.

We arrive and Mr. Heath is in his office planning for the contest. Brendon is in the back, playing the melody that I normally play. I walk back, him smiling at me the entire time. I grab the other pair of drumsticks, we play together until everyone is here, staring at us, and class starts. Brendon steps away from the drum and put the drumsticks on the table. He then goes to help the bells because Vinney is having trouble with this particular song.

The bell rings and everyone but me and Caelyn rush out, Caelyn is  talking to Mr. Heath with me by her side. Brendon walks up behind us eavesdropping.

"It's not nice to eavesdrop," I say with a chuckle.

"Then what are you doing?" I guess I was kinda eavesdropping a little.

"Being a supportive friend." That even sounds like a bad excuse in my head but I still say it. He rolls his eyes and grabs my arm and pulls me out into the hallway.

"So how do you think we are going to do next Friday?" I shrug my shoulders.

"Ok I guess, I mean we can't do to bad we've been practicing this song for a while," I reply. He nods an understanding nod, and smiles. "Why are you always smiling at me?"

He shrugs again, "you're just so pretty," smiles again. He leans in for a kiss, I turn away not quite ready for that yet, he ends up kissing me cheek. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, uh," he clears his throat, "I'm sorry," his face is as red as a very ripe strawberry. I feel bad for embarrassing him like that, so I lean in and place my lips on his soft unexpecting ones. He pulls back at first but then he kisses me back. We are in a very passionate kiss when the door opens, I pull away quickly and stand against the wall. Caelyn comes out and sees me standing awkwardly and smiles a very stupid smile.

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