Chapter 15

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"Congratulations," Caelyn says acting surprised.

"Yay!" Tara screams.

"I can't wait!" Violet replies.

"Yay," Jordan says sarcastically.

"What's wrong, Jordan?" I ask.

"It's just that you guys are never around, Caelyn and I can barely watch these two, let alone a newborn," he says letting out a sigh.

"We'll be around more I promise, and if we do have to leave we will take him/her with us." I reply, Brendon nodding his head in agreement.

"But right now we gotta go, we gotta get a ring! Like now, before they close, come on," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

We drive to a jewelry store, probably twenty minutes away. He grabs a glasses case, gets out, and runs around the front so he can open the door for me, "My lady," he says. I get out, we intertwine our hands and walk in the store. There are so many beautiful rings, how will I ever chose.

He takes the glasses out of the case and slips them on, I never noticed he had glasses. We look around until he finds one he likes. He calls the guy over, an older man who is always smiling. The guy hands the ring to Brendon, who examines it closely. He holds it closer to me. It's very pretty and sparkly, but I don't want it to sparkly so I tell him to keep looking. The guy puts it back and goes back to what he is doing. Brendon finds a couple more, but I didn't really like them all that much. That's when we found it, a silver ring with little diamonds all around one bigger red diamond.

Brendon spotted it first and immediately called the guy over once again, he pulled out the ring which is even more beautiful out of the glass. I nod almost in tears, for the fiftieth time today. He gives the guy five-hundred dollars because, as he put it, you can't put a price on love. He gets down on one knee right there in the middle of the store, of course I say yes I mean we already talked about it.

"Nicky, I will love you for all eternity. So, will you make me the happiest guy alive and marry me?"

"Yes, of course. Yes. I love you, too."

The crowd around us cheer. He stands up kissing me, he picks me up off of the ground and carries me out of the store to the car. He gently sets me down in the passenger seat, making sure not to hit my head. He gets out and lightly closes the door. He climbs into the drivers seat and kisses me one more time lightly, before driving away from the store.

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