Chapter 14

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For about a month nothing happens. Everyday life get up, eat, do nothing, eat, do some more nothing, eat, do nothing, go to bed, cuddle with Brendon, sleep, get up.

That's when it happens, no period, I thought it was a mistake at first. I wait a couple of days and still nothing. I know what that means, I'm pregnant.

I ask Brendon to borrow the car, he asks where I'm going, but I grab the keys and leave, I can explain that later. I go to Walmart and grab a couple of different types of pregnancy tests. Afterward heading to a gas station to use them, I don't want anyone to get suspicious. Every single one of them are positive. I have a slight panic attack right then. I'm not ready for this at all, we already have three kids to deal with. Another though crosses my mind, How am I going to tell Brendon? I start panicking, what if he doesn't want a child, we never really talked about it. What if he freaks out and tries to kill me? That's stupid why would he do that. Who should I tell first? Caelyn? Brendon?

I decide to tell Caelyn first, when I walk in the house she is sitting on the couch in the living room watching Dora with the twins. "Hey Caelyn can I talk to you for a minute?" She looks at me, obviously confused. I nod, that's when she gets it, its urgent. She stands up, and I run over to her grabbing her arm and dragging her up the stairs. Where would be the most private? I think to myself stopping for a moment. The studio. I pull her inside.

"What's wrong? Where have you been?" she asks, a concerned look on her face.

"What I'm about to tell you, you can not tell another living soul." I say forcefully, she nods. "I...I..." I can't get it out.

"You what?"

"I went to the store, and bought some pregnancy tests." She smiles, she's almost too happy about this.

"And?" she asks already knowing the answer.

"They were all positive, every last one of them." I start to cry, not in sadness, but rather joy. She joins me, she is even more happy than I am. We hug each other crying. About five minutes pass.

"Wait have you told him, yet?"

"No you're the first to know, besides me of course." She cries harder.

"You told me first," I nod.

"Of course why wouldn't I?"

"Um, you know you could have told the father first. Wait is this from when I waked in on you?" she asks, giggling.

"No, we didn't get that far."

"Then when?"

"After he got arrested, like as soon as he got out. We did it in the back of his car." She laughs now.

"Really in the parking lot?"

"No we drove to a park first."

"You better go tell him," she says pushing me out the door, following me.

He's in the kitchen cooking lunch. I let him finish and put it on plates before I interrupt him. "Hey Brendon, can I talk to you in private?" He nods taking me upstairs into our bedroom.

"What is it?" he asks. I start to cry, yet again. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Brendon I... I..." I look at the worried expression on his face. Watching his face I blurt it out, "Brendon I'm pregnant." His expression changes very quickly. He grabs my entire body picking me up off of the bed kissing me. I start laughing. I can't help it, I got all worked up for nothing.

"I can't believe it, I'm going to be a dad!" he shouts, I shush him not wanting everyone in the neighborhood to know. "Wait we need to get married first." he says in a hushed tone.

"Ok, that's really fast but ok."

"We need to go get a ring, right now," he says grabbing his wallet and walking out the door.

"Wait! Hey Brendon! Wait a second!" He turns around looking at me. "We don't have to go right now do we. Maybe we should tell the others first."

"Yeah, ok, sorry I forgot about them in the moment, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, let's go." 

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