Chapter 18

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Another month passes with nothing exciting, just boring games and shopping trips and pregnancy. I start to feel a little different, I get headaches more frequently, and I get less sleep. I'm tired and ready for this to be over already. We now have to go see the doctor once again.

We get into the car and start the awful trip to the doctors office. We listen to music, Frank Sinatra to be exact. Brendon sing along, he knows the works by heart. He sounds amazing, the depth of his voice while singing is almost heavenly. Like the sound of all of the angels, all in one man.

Once we arrive we go inside and sign in. We don't wait very long it takes almost no time. We go back into the room. After be instructed to lie down on the table, the doctor comes in. She smiles,"how are you?"

"Good, you?"

"Great, let's get started, have you been feeling any differently?"

"Not really just headaches and no sleep."

"Ok could be worse, anything else?"

"I don't think so."

She turns to Brendon, "do you have anything to add?"

He thinks about it, "well, she has been a little grumpier."

"That's all normal. Going to start some tests now, afterward you are free to leave." Brendon and I both nod. She calls in a couple of nurses and asks Brendon to leave. He's reluctant but eventually he does as he's told.

It takes no time at all. In about fifteen minutes all of them are finished. Everything's normal with both the baby and myself. We are finished and going home. We get into the car and start the ride home, listening to the same Sinatra CD.

We drive for about ten minutes when disaster strikes. Another explosion erupts close to us. The ground shakes and we can feel it on the floorboard. More explosions, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, the more there are the closer they get. More, BOOM BOOM. The last one is right next to our car. BOOM!!! The car is now in the air spinning. I have to look away or I will get sick. About that time a projectile goes threw the window hitting Brendon in the shoulder.

"Brendon!" I scream in tears. He looks at me and smiles, he reaches over to stroke my face with the side of his hand.

"It's fine, it doesn't even hurt." He still smiles, all of this and yet he still smiles. A piece of glass comes out of I don't know where and goes into his chest. He falls limp, his mouth still open the slightest. Blood falls from his lips, right onto his white shirt.

"Brendon, hey Brendon wake up. Come on Brendon please, for me, just wake up. Brendon! Please!" I scream I need him to hear me. "Brendon!" I'm tired of yelling my throat is sore and I'm done yelling he won't hear me. "Brendon," I whisper.

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