Chapter 20

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We talk for a while. We talk about what happened and what might happen. I asked him about Brendon but he didn't know anything, no one did. I asked a couple of nurses, none of them knew. I asked my doctor, he didn't know. No one knew anything. I am freaking out when the baby doctor comes in.

'Hey, hey calm down. Sit down, we need to talk. Calm down!" He gets into my head and calms me down. "I'm going to check on the baby now, okay?" I nod. He starts by listening to the heartbeat, humming along with it. "Hmm, hmm... hmm hmm." He does some more thorough test after asking Jim to leave.

Once he finally finishes he tells me nothings wrong everything's completely normal. "How is that even possible?"

"I don't know but everything normal, nothing out of the ordinary." I break down and cry now, he pulls me into a hug. That's when it all comes back to me, Brendon.

"Have you heard anything about Brendon?"

"Oh yeah, he's in the I.C.U. but he's stable."

"When can I go see him?"

"I dont know I'll go ask." He exits the room and Jim comes in.

"So any news?" He says.

"The baby's fine and I may be able to see Brendon soon."

"Good good. Hey um listen I'm gonna have to go before Brendon wakes, ok?"

"What why? I want him to meet you. You save all three of our lives, mine the baby's and Brendon's."

"He's met me, just tell him the story and he'll know who I am." I nod and in no time he's out the door.

The doctor enters once again. He is smiling bigger than I've eve seen anyone smile. He nods and I know what that means. I smile to in tears yet again. "Really?"

"Yeah, you can go right now if you want. They think he should wake soon." I am bawling now, I've never been happier in my entire life. I leave, with the doctor on my heels, to go to Brendon's room. He has to give me directions to get there, but we make it.

I see Brendon laying on the table. He has steady breathing without any machines. I run over and kiss his lips. Nothing happens obviously but I can feel the heat coming from his body. Another sign he's alive. His face is full of color, nothing like it was before. I can't see his breathing pick up a bit before his eyes flutter a little. His eyes open and I see those deep brown eyes I've wanted to see for so long. He sees me and immediately pulls me into a sweet passionate kiss.

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