Chapter 22

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Over the next week, we do something everyday. Movies one day, park the next. After the last day, when we went shopping, we come home to a wrecked house. It's trashed, stuff everywhere. Brendon turns around, "Stay here I'll be right back." He leaves all five of us standing outside.

The twins start screaming. I turn around. Two men grabbed them and are shoving them into a van that is parked on the street. Two more come around the corner to grab Caelyn and I. "BRENDON!! SOMEONES OUT HERE!!!BRENDON!!" The man comes up to me and grabs my arm. I squirm, they pull really hard, almost popping my arm out of socket. I scream, the pain is unbearable. I see one last man grab Jackson before I'm being shoved across the yard.

I hear Brendon come down the stairs, but its too late. He pushes me into the van. I fall flat on my face. The twins are bawling, and the men are repeatedly telling them to shut up, eventually one of them has had enough and slaps them both across the face. The door closes and we are in motion within seconds. Brendon is running behind us, slowly getting smaller and smaller as we increase in speed.

We drive for what seems like forever. Eventually, we arrive at an abandoned warehouse, very old and dirty. The front doors creak as we step inside.  We are all shoved into chairs, that have leather straps for the wrists and ankles. They me my straps extremely tight. Within seconds my hands were red from the loss of blood flow to them. The twins had been knocked out in the van. I tried to stop it, but I was being held down. They were now starting to wake, Violet first whimpering quietly as she does so. After about ten minutes she's fully awake and Tara starts the same process. Jackson, who is sitting between the two, is trying to sooth them. He tells them it will be ok, and eventually, he gets through to them. They settle down and we sit there in silence until a man walks out in front of us.

"Hello, I see you all are very comfortable. Lucky for you I'm feeling generous today, or you would be dead. So I'm sure you have lots of questions, but frankly, I don't care. It all started when I was in a bar, lonely, done with life, ready to commit suicide. I sat there drinking away my problems, when a man, whom I cannot name, walks up to me and proposes an extreme plan. He explains that all I have to do is ruin one man's life completely, causing as much destruction as possible along the way. The bombing were probably too much but, eh, who cares. That one man was Mr. Brendon Urie, yep your very own boyfriend, and caregiver. Now I don't know why this specific man was my target but I went along. I got a team together and we set off to succeed. In the time since we have been labeled as the 'terrorists' that have been all over the television." He pauses obviously thinking of how to word the next part. "Now that I have mostly succeeded, the man that is supposed to pay me, is now missing. I think you know what happened to him, and if you do not I bet your boyfriend, that is looking for you and would do anything to save you, knows. Now I will torture you to a point that, the fetus inside of you, yes we know that as well, will die. No getting lucky this time. Because we know that for Mr. Urie you and that baby are the most important things to him, and I think if he lost both of you, he would probably not make it very long after. So now that you know my story and the plan, all we have to do is wait for him to realize where you are and for him to come and get you. In the mean time, the boyz will watch over you. Boyz!" He stresses the z in boyz. A couple of the guards walk over and assume their positions in from of us, watching with an eagle eye.

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