Change of plans

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(Ezras pov)

As Sabine and I walk back to the ship we look up at the gleaming stars once again.  We got closer to the ghost and notice an inpaitiant Kannan relatively tapping his foot on the clunky metal of the ghost.

"Come on you to! We got an important mission on our hands!", Kannan told us. We both ran inside, and went to our rooms to change real quick. Once I finished getting changed I walked outside to see everyone else, including sabine, waiting for me.

"Good, now that everyone's here I'll start to explain what's going on.",hera started,"their is word of an asteroid with a type of liquid that causes immortality."

I look of in shock. I always that that kind of stuff were only in folklore.

"The empire knows of this and their sending some men over their to start the process of imortal stormtroopers.", hera continued, "we are heading their now to destroy that asteroid and prevent the empire from using it."

I was kinda confused, it it makes anyone imortal, why not use it to make our troops imortal?

"Why cant we use it then?", I asked.

"We cant, since it'll still be out their the empire can still get their hands on it.", Kannan explains.

I just nod.


"Hurry up with the explosions sabine!", hera exclaimed.

"Almost ready!", she yells back. I look look around seeing if the empire is near. Then, all of a sudden, I feel cold.

"Kannan you feel that?", I ask. He nods. I look around and see a star destroyer."imperial incoming!"

"Well handle them off.", Zeb said grabbing his bowriffle. Some stormtroopers landed and a shuttle did aswell.

As the doors open, the air went colder. Smoke came out clouding the talk dark figure. As soon as the smoke cleared out I noticed it was Darth vader! I grabbed my lightsaber and got ready.

"Defeat these pathetic rebels once amd for all!", his metallic voice sounded infuriated.

The stormtroopers got out their blasters and started to shoot at us. Kannan started to block the shots back. I turned my lightsaber into blaster mode and started to shoot at those bucket heads.

(Sabines pov)

My heart raced, I felt as if something bad was going to happen. I quickly get up and start to shoot at the stormtroopers.

One by one they fell. Then I saw Vader blocking my attacks, and managing to deflect it back at Ezra hitting him and causing him to start to fall of the bridge we stood on.

I got up and ran as quick as possible trying to grab his arm. I was to late. I saw as his body banged against rocks and falling into the liquids. I stood up angry and started to shoot Vader rapid.

I manage to hit his helmet and his chest. In his anger he force pushed us back, causing us to fall of the platform. Kannan managed to hold on and kept us steady.

Vader, then, proceeded to walk over and started to speak in his half human half robot voice.

"If only you knew what will happen, you wouldn't of brought Ezra in.", he threatened and knocked us down.

We plummeted down into the liquid unharmed. As I started to swim up I notice somebody else trying to get near me.

I swam faster till I reached the surface and noticed the person was ezra. He swam all the way up and I hugged him in relief.

"I thought you died!", I exclaimed.

"Well we will all ne if we don't get out of here!", he motioned to Darth Vader with the igniter button. All of us started to run to the ghost and left as we saw the asteroid get blown up and a single ship leave.

"Well I guess...were all immortal?", I said. Kannan nodded.

(Sorry if it's not one of my best but it's night time where I am and tommorow I have school. I promise the next one will be better)

(Quick fun fact, the title was originally gonna be star gazing but I decided to make a 'change of plans' since I had other plans into making this into a trilogy!)

(More news, I'll be giving questions of the chapter and in the next chapter I'll give a few shout out to a few commenters!)

(Quistion of the chapter: would you choose to be immortal? Why or why not?)

(See Yeah later bye!!!!!!!!!)

Star wars rebels: reveled feelings (Sabine x ezra)Where stories live. Discover now