35. The Dark Alley

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It's her working in the morning and him working in the night.
It's him taking care of Henry during the day and she during the night.

It's hard, but they are both too busy to realize it's becoming routine and they're getting used to it.

They enjoy every single second when they're together, like when she attempts on doing dinner for him and he ends up helping her, teaching her. Or when he wakes up with her, even though he has all day to stay in bed, just so that they can have breakfast together.

She tells him about her day at the station when she gets home. She tells him how the drug dealers case is all unrolling, each day closer to finding out who they really are, Gideon and her investigating many suspicious spots and interviewing citizens.

He tells her how he's realized he misses singing in their early breakfasts in the morning. How he used to sing for his job back when he was in Ireland. His ideas about starting something new, his own business.
She supports him. She tells him what she thinks about the idea. She encourages him to make it happen.

He cooks - she takes the iniciative sometimes, he does the dishes, he takes the rubbish out, he goes shopping once a week - sometimes more to buy more peas purée that Henry loves.

She takes care of the dirty clothes, she spends some time with her baby, she vacuums and mops the floor on weekends and she reads files on the bed before she falls asleep.

No wonder he gets home to find her asleep, her computer on her lap and lots of papers spread on the bed, glasses on and her head slightly fallen on her shoulder.
He's the one that tidies up everything at 4am and removes the glasses from her face, before crawling in bed with her.

But they're so in love with each other.

It's not just about routine and household chores and accomplishing schedules.

They can't stop talking to each other. It's about telling them everything and anything that happens in their days because they finally got someone to share these things with.

They can't stop touching each other, compensating what they missed out these last 5 years, still with a tip of fear that something will happen and tear them apart again.

It's like it's too good to be true.

They finally go visit her parents. The three of them.

Henry is fond of Eva but building ships of legos with Neal |||David's son kay?||| sounds like a more appealing idea since all she does is sleep.

David and Mary Margaret got lucky with such a calm newborn.

The adults are interrupted from time to time with an impatient Henry that doesn't really understand the concept of a ship and wants all the legos to himself but the good thing is, Henry says his first word because of it.

It's an angry "Maaaaaaaaaa!" with his little arms up, clearly calling Emma but she doesn't really understand if it was a 'maaaaah' from 'mama' - which Killian has so insisted on him to say it - or really from the word 'Emma'.

Anyways, she's in shock for the first seconds. Paralyzed, really. Before Mary Margaret is squealing and exclaiming "first woooooord!!!" and Killian is standing up to pick him up and call him a "big boy".

"He's clearly calling for you." Killian chuckles before placing him on her lap.

"Congrats, Emma." David tells her, a smile so full of pride she wants to cry of happiness.

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