Chapter 1

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Thank you so much Imperfect_beautyy for making my cover :)


Sara's POV


As my fist comes in contact with the punching bag I savour the feeling of the rough leather on my skin. I savour the sweat beads dripping down my temple and my heart beating out of my chest.


The adrenaline pumping through my system sets me on a high as my fists start to become numb and my breathing starts to come out ragged and strange.

"Sara!" THUMP!

There was a loud noise coming from my kitchen so I waited a minute to hear a noise of reassurance.

"Nevermind! I'm okay," His child-like voice reassures with a slight lisp. I storm out my room, leaving my punching bag swaying around, to check otherwise.

I jog out of my room and stop abruptly in the kitchen and examine it. "Brady, you scared the crap out of me--" And there it was, a beautiful box of Froot Loops (our only box) spilt on the floor. "Brady...." I take a step forward. I haven't cleaned the apartment in weeks, I could almost see the dust on the floor slowly taking over the doughnut-shaped cereal. None of this can't be salvaged and is our only source of breakfast for today.

My anger was quickly masked with guilt at the sight of my guilty 7-year-old brother's eyes tearing up. He knew we had a hard time keeping up with money. I couldn't help but feel the need to give him a huge bear hug.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," I reassure as I held his tiny body close to mine.

"Eww" I let him go. "Sis, you're all sweaty."

"Oops, sorry kid! Clean this up, would you?" I ruffle up his chocolate brown hair and decide to go back to my room to shower and change. The clock read 7:15 am which meant I had about 45 minutes to leave the house for school. I quickly showered neglecting my hair and put on black jeans with a red flannel and a simple light grey v-neck tee.

As I walk back to the kitchen/living room area, I notice that the cereal has yet to be cleaned up and was abandoned on the floor.

Oh Brady, what am I going to do with you?

Poor cereal, it was too young to die! Don't you ever wonder what would happen if food can speak? What would they say? Probably something along the lines of—

Ding, Dong!

My doorbell interrupts my thinking, which is surprising considering that no one ever comes to visit my apartment. My brother, Brady and I live here alone while my uncle pays our bills for us. Yes, only our bills, no other expenses like food, clothes, etc. Stupid right? How does he expect a 16-year-old and a 7-year-old to make that kind of money? Well, I have my ways.

He comes by every Wednesday to "check up" on how we are doing, but he really doesn't give a flying rat's ass about us.

The doorbell rings again so I grab one of my kitchen knives and stuff it in the back of my jeans carefully so I don't prick myself in the process. From the years that I've been living alone with my brother, I have learnt that you can never be too careful.

I slowly approach the door. "Who is it?" I ask, cautiously.

"Open the door, Serafina!" A familiar masculine voice is heard behind the door. I can already tell who it is.

My Uncle.

One of the only reason I knew right away was that he used my full name. No one ever calls me by my full name—well at least not anymore, that is. I prefer my nickname, Sara, because it's a little bit of a mouthful for people to keep calling me 'Serafina' and it's reserved for a special kind of people—the kind of people who aren't around anymore.

The Nerd's Secret (On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon