Chapter 17

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Sara's POV

"Thank you, Aaron, for the drive," My little adorable brother says as we get out from his rusted up pile of junk that's in a shape of a car.

"No problem kid," he replies as he scrunches up Brady's chocolate brown hair. "Hey Sar, did you shut off your lights before you came to pick him up?" Aaron turns to ask me.

"Um, yea why?" I ask him as reply while letting my gaze slowly trail up the old building to my apartment window which was perfectly illuminated with light. "What the f-"

"Sara, don't swear," Brady pouts.

"Sorry kid." I jog to the back of the car and pop open the trunk where there were some throwing knives placed perfectly. Ever since my incident with Mrs Harte, I became a little more careful with my knives, especially Beth. I took out two knives, Beth and a spare and tossed the spare to Aaron. I shrug when he gives me a questioning look. "You can never be too careful."

He rolled his eyes. "Kid, stay behind us, alright?" Brady nods in response.

We walk into the ghetto little building that I've called my home and took the safer route which was the stairs; sometimes the elevator was a little bit too risky. We slowly but surely made it to my floor as I signalled for Aaron to keep his knife hidden in his waistband just in case it was someone who works here. When we came in clear sight of my apartment I noticed that the door was opened.

I remembered locking the door.

Aaron was ahead of me while I was a few feet behind him keeping Brady glued to my side with an arm around him.

I could hear a faint voice from behind the door and I could barely make out who it was until I got closer and it felt like my heart dropped a couple feet.

"Well, Jared, is it? Tell me your relation to my dearest Serafina," The voice that I despise said in a deadly loving tone. A voice that was supposed to be here tomorrow instead of today.

While keeping my little brother glued to my side, I stomp through the door and met my uncle's eyes as he talked to Jared on the phone.

"Well speak of the devil," He lets out a little laugh that sounded loving but I saw right through it. It held anger, annoyance, and disgust. I don't doubt that he got the call from the school explaining to him that I wasn't there for the second half of the day. "Serafina-"

"Sara," I correct him.

He lets out a stiff smile. "Sara, your friend Jared is on the phone wondering where you are just like how the school is."

"May I speak with him?" I tried to keep my voice away from my furious feelings but I gave it away when it cracked slightly.

"Sure thing." He handed me the phone while my eyes are glued to him as he walks towards Aaron. I didn't even hear the voice on the other line as my gaze followed their every move.

"Sara? Hello!?"

"What—Brady stay here—Jared? How did you get my home phone number?"

"Sara, where were you all day?" Jared asks ignoring my question.

"What—no, how the hell did you get this number?" I fumed, pulling Brady closer to my side. "Who fucking gave you it?"


"Anna!?" I yelled.

"Yea," he replied innocently.

Oh, my God.

I stared wide-eyed at the floor. Anna, the person I trusted with most of my secrets. The girl I thought I could depend on gave him my phone number.

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