Chapter 9

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Amber Riley as Anna Stewart (Photo Above^^^ ) But imagine her as you'd like, that's just how I'd imagine her to look like. 


"You're not going to school today, Sara!"

Aaron's voice beams throughout my home, making the disgusting carpet vibrate slightly sending up some dust into the air.

I attempt to sit up on my bed, but my ribs were killing me and my face felt like it was two times bigger than it was yesterday.

"I have to, I have a perfect attendance record, I can't break it."

"Sara, do you want a mirror? You look like an old mushy peach, you're not going to school. Plus it's Friday today anyways so, it's not like you're going to be missing much."

"Screw off, I'm fine." I attempt to stand up from my bed but my arm slips and I fall back onto my back. He doesn't say anything about it.

"Ever since your brother, I started looking after you, and you damn well know that I have a say in the idiotic things you decide to do. So lay your pretty little butt back down onto your cheap ass bed. I'll take Brady to school." He says sternly as if he was my parent. Well, he was the closest thing I have to one at the moment.

"You can't do that!"

"Watch me, Sar."

Before he can turn around and leave I stop him. "Wait."

I saw his shoulders fall as he turns around to fully face me. "Yes, Sara?" He answers.

"Do you miss him?" I ask out of nowhere with a soft voice.



"Well, yea, he was my best friend, of course, I do," He says using the same tone as me. "I uh... yea whatever. I'm sad that he's gone."

I ended up deciding to agree with Aaron and not go to school. I doubt any amount of make-up can cover my face. I had a portable mirror on my bedside table to look at the damage, I had a huge bruise covering my right eye, cuts on my eyebrow, lips and nose and a bruise on my left cheek that's almost reaching my ear. Plus my ribs hurt like shit so I guess it's better that I don't go to school.

+     +     +

It was Monday today, my bruise looked good enough to be able to put make-up over it so that's what I did first thing when I went to school. I had my huge black winter coat on—even though people say it's sweater weather, it's cold for me—which almost reaches my knees and the sleeves can go past my hands. I was basically drowning in the hood of it too that had nice light dirty blonde fur along the rim of it. I could care less if someone stares at me while I wear this coat while it's 53 degrees outside. I hate the cold!

As I was trying to make my way to the front entrance of the school unnoticed but, I was stopped by a familiar voice that I haven't heard all weekend. 

"Dimples, why are you wearing a winter coat, it's basically  70 degrees outside." He chuckles softly.

I continue walking, hopefully, he'll just let it slide and think I'm just trying to ignore him. But he doesn't. 

I feel his hand on my shoulder that I had to stop myself from overreacting and twisting it behind his back. "Sara, why are you ignoring me again. I thought that we were almost friends." I could hear a smile in his voice until he twists me around by my shoulders to get a better look at my face. 

He studies my face hard while his eyes widen to the size of golf balls. He opens his mouth to say something but nothing seems to come out. 

My cover is blown, this will be a hard one trying to explain.

The Nerd's Secret (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora