Chapter 14

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Colon Haynes as Alex Kelley. It's a shame that I cast such a beautiful person for such an ugly role.

A/N (Oct 15/17) Alright, I rewrote the next three chapters 'cause I didn't want what happened to Sara. Sorry if you're dissapointed that I changed that part of the plot. 


it was nearly midnight when I went to Rocko's house last night, he thanked me and I rushed home as soon as I could. All I wanted was just a good night's rest.

Obviously, that never happens.

You see, there's this thing called anxiety and it sucks ass. I'm up most nights because of it, making my ability to focus become less and less possible each day. I'm surprised I haven't been falling asleep in class yet, but I have been zoning out a lot more, but I can't always blame that on my sleepless nights, that's more of my ADD's fault. 

Anyways, today I got out of bed and did my normal morning routine. My hair was an absolute mess, I haven't washed it for 3 days so I just decided to wear it in a bun while I look for a grey shirt to wear with my black jeans and my winter boots to match. I look in my mirror and it kinda looked like I tried to look stylish today.

After that, I just walked to school with my brother. Times like these, I'm glad that I have time to think and get my brain ready for everything that's to come. 

I decided that today was going to be a good day and I wouldn't let anybody tear me down. I straighten my spine and walk confidently into school, today will be a good—no wait, amazing day.

"Well somebody's looking happy today," I can hear Anna snicker from behind me.

"Nothing's going to stop my happiness, I won't let anyone or anything bring me down," I sounded determined and I liked it, I like being in control of my emotions, I felt fierce. 

"Not even," She takes a moment to lean in and whisper, "streetfighting?"

"Nope," I say while popping the 'p'. "Not even that."

I continued to stroll to my locker and got out my things for math and in no time, the wonderful sound of the bell pierces my ears. I really need to request to move my locker. But will that stop my mood? Nope!

I skip into math class, still keeping my giddy mood up and slide into my seat with my foot already jumping up and down in anticipation. Some people walked passed me, giving me a weird look because of the psychotic smile on my face, but did I care? Nope!

Halfway through the lesson, Jared even asked me if I was high today to which I responded with the honest truth of, "I've been sober for a year and a half now, I don't smoke anymore." I mean, he already found weed in my bag, he's smart enough to know that I get into some crazy shit, I don't see why I have to lie about smoking and such anymore. But, that doesn't mean I'm going to tell him everything, I doubt that I ever will.

Chemistry was nothing special, just the usual choking on fumes and such, casually, slowly dying; that still didn't change the fact that I was dying to get out of there. Once the beautiful sound of the bells rings, I got up, grabbed my books and headed straight to my pale blue locker.

Anna was already there waiting for me but, something seemed off. She wasn't her outgoing extroverted self at the moment, no, she seemed worried, almost scared. 

"Is something wrong?" I ask as I open my locker. 

She lets out a few shaky breaths. "We need to get out of here," she tells me. 

I take a pause for a moment and take in her expressions. Her eyebrows were creased together, she was almost forcing herself to keep breathing, and he hands were tapping anxiously against her dark blue jeans.

 "What why?" I ask quickly, confused as to why she would be saying this. 

Then suddenly, her eyes went wide as she looked at something behind me but before I could look to see what or who it is, Anna took hold of my shoulders to stop me from turning around. Her grasp was tight; she was strong, I have to give her that. No matter how much I struggled underneath her, she wouldn't budge.

That is until I heard a certain sentence that made my stomach flip upside down.

"Oh, my God, is that Alex and Rick Kelley?"

My eyes suddenly grew as large—if not larger—as Anna's when I finally decide to push myself off of her and turn on my heels to watch Alex and Rick walk their boyish walk, trying to act like they're the shit.

Needless to say, they're not.

I watch as Alex walks by me and bumps his shoulder purposely into mine.

"Why the hell are you here?" I spat with a furious tone, a tone that showed no love as I grabbed the sleeve of his shirt to keep him in place. "I thought you dropped out of school."

"Well, I dropped back in, pip-squeak." He chuckles unhumorously. " 'thought I'd drop back into 11th grade. I recently found out that you can't do shit without a high school diploma."

My eyes were stinging from me staring at him with wide eyes for so long. Normally I'd try to be tough and not show fear, but this... this was pretty damn scary. "Wait, so you're coming back?"

"Pip-squeak, did I not just fucking say that?" He raises his eyebrows, challenging me for another comeback.

I just stared at him. I stared at him long and hard until it felt as if my eyes were shrivelling up. 

Alex Kelley will be attending my school again.

My horrible ex-boyfriend  will be attending my school again.


Wow okay, I couldn't hold in the truth any longer so I had to tell you guys!

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment. Please don't be a ghost reader!

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