Chapter 11

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Cole Sprouse as Matt Davis (when he has black hair)

A/N (Oct. 15/17) I basically redid this entire chapter, sorry for taking so long I had a lot of school work and like 3 major tests this week. 


Sara's POV

I barely slept last night.

The possible outcomes of what might happen today were clawing at my brain and all I wanted to do was lay in bed for the rest of the morning and ignore my problems. But that never has a good outcome, now does it?

I couldn't bring myself to actually try to put a good outfit together so I just decided to wear the first two things I saw on my bedroom floor: a grey hoodie and black joggers with white string.

 I didn't even have enough effort to put on a bra. Thank God I have mosquito bites as breasts.

I also didn't want Anna to do my makeup today so I just tried to do it myself with concealer and this weird sponge thing that she made me buy. It ended up looking decent so I just added some lip gloss and started to apply some mascara.


It got in my eye!

How do people do this every day?! Jesus!

I quickly wipe off the mascara and reapply some concealer to get rid of my red blotchy eye. Those girls who do their makeup so perfectly are witches, I have no idea how they do it.

 After saving my right eyeball from going blind, I quickly grab my bag and Brady and go to school. I always liked the bus ride to school, it gave me time to think and fantasise about stupid things like being normal and being happy. I've learned a long time ago that happiness wasn't a thing that was possible for me anymore. And being normal, well, a girl can dream, right?

I got to school a little later than usual. Students were already inside getting ready for their first class and gathering in their little friend groups around their lockers. I took my time getting my books from mine until I feel a slight pull on my hair.

I quickly turn around to see Jared curling a strand of my hair on his finger.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask, glaring at him. In reality, I really liked people touching my hair so my glare didn't last too long. I yanked my hair out of his hold.

"You know," he smirks his casual boyish smirk. "Gingers are really rare."

I nod my head slowly, wondering why he's saying this. "So, I've heard..."

"I hear that they only make up about 2% of the population," he states, leaning against the locker with his arms over his chest. I just continue to nod at his randomness.

He lowered his head to my ear as I feel his breath fan across my face making me feel uneasy. "You look good in black," he whispers deeply, his words tickling my ear.

Numerous amounts of thoughts were now troubling my mind. What does he mean that I look good in black? Is he talking about my outfit today or about last night? Did he see me last night? I tried my best to keep an emotionless face but it just wasn't working, My eyebrows were high on my face with my lips slightly parted in shock.

He did leave any room for confrontation as he just decided to leave me feeling puzzled and confused. Did he call the police afterwards? This is bad, this is really bad.

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