The Rewrite is FINISHED!

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Alright, as you may have seen, the rewrite from chapters 1-19 are officially finished and better. If you are a returning reader, please feel free to reread them and if that's too much of a hassle for you, then don't worry, I'll leave some spoilers so you know what's going on now. 

Leave this page now if you don't want spoilers




I'm warning you




The spoilers are gonna start soon.



I see you, Bobby, I know you wanna reread that book, don't you dare ruin that for yourself. 




Spoilers in...







Alright, so let's start at the beginning. Remember that piece-of-shit-Alex? Instead of him just showing up one day without any back-story, it is told that he moved back to New York after going away for some time. 

Let's fast-forward to when after Jared found out that Sara stole from his house. Remember how that scene was sort of stupid because he dragged her into a closet in the middle of a school day? Yea, I changed that so that he would only stop her in the middle of the hall and confront her, then later show up at her cafeteria table with his friend, Matt. 

Let's fast-forward just a little bit further to when Mr Bano (the math teacher) asked Jared to tutor Sara. It didn't happen like that. Instead, Mr Bano told Sara to go to an afterschool club that helps with math since her grades were dropping. She then realised that that math club was helping younger grades and Jared took her out of there (He always helps out at the math club after-school) to the library so he can tutor her. 

Fast-forward just a little bit more to when Alex came back to her school. Remember that flashback of when she got raped? Well, I completely changed that. Instead of raping her, Alex got her addicted to heroin because she was having a panic attack one day when she was like 14-years-old and since she was saying that it was hurting a lot, Alex gave her some oxycodone to help "ease the pain" since it's a painkiller that she later got addicted to. The flash-back later insinuates that he took advantage of her multiple times in multiple ways (not just sex, you unholy children).

And that's pretty much everything major that I've changed.  

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