Chapter 3

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Obviously, I spent way too much time at Walmart than I actually should.

Half of the time was spent trying on clothes that I can't afford, and pretending I didn't like them so I can put them back. The other half was running around the mall eating free samples. And now it's 10:30 PM, which meant that it's dark out and I have to walk home because there are no more buses in my area.

After buying the cereal and stuffing it into my school bag I start to walk home, which sadly is a 45-minute walk. Oh well, it will give me time to think. I take the time to take in the beauty of the night. The smell of cold air, the black canvas in the sky sparkled with white dots and the sight of empty streets. This is literally an introvert's heaven.

Or so I thought.

I can hear faint footsteps behind me, and yes, it could be some random person with no real intentions of hurting me but you can never be too careful. I'd probably be dead if it wasn't for my paranoia. I look behind me briefly to see a tall man wearing a black hoodie but I can't make out a face through the darkness. I quickly dart my head forwards and take 2 right turns.

Wait aren't you supposed to take 3?

or 4?

AgH! I forgot.

I took about 6 right turns until I take a sly look behind me to see that the guy is still following me but instead, this time he's closer so I decided to just confront him. As I turn around he grabs my wrist and my first instincts kick in: self-defence.

I grab his arm and put him into a cross grab arm lock - something I learnt from my friends. As I go to knee him in the crotch, he says something that surprises me.

"Ow, OW! Sara, it's me, Jared!" He whimpers and I quickly let go of his arms, standing there in shock, looking like a complete fool. I didn't mean to do that, well I did, just not that fast.

"What were you doing, following me like that! You know how suspicious that looked?!" I yell trying to control my rapid breaths as I take some steps away from him.

"I—uh, was just wondering if you wanted a ride." He defends although, it didn't sound like he was telling the truth.

"No! No, I don't!" I tug on my hair and start to pace around getting rid of my jitters. "Why would you even follow me? Why not just call my name?"

"I'm sorry." He mumbles and hangs his head.

"For fuck sakes Jared, It's like almost 11 pm, I thought you were a rapist or some shit!"

He raises his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry, alright?" His tone matches with my loud one making me stay silent afterwards.

I groan "What are you even doing here out this late?"

He stays silent, fumbling with his hands. I know this look too well, it was mixed with guilt and anxiety, something I have felt before. Normally it would be when I didn't fully plan out on a lie that I was going to give which is a complete rookie mistake.

I chose to ignore his anxious self and walk in the opposite direction. Whatever he has planned clearly has nothing to do with me anyways. It's none of my business

Next day at school I made no effort to try and talk to him, I just ignored him. What if he was a someone with bad intentions anyways? I was only being safe because you can never be too careful and considering that look he gave me when I asked him what he was doing increased my suspicions.

I can already tell that today is going to be a bad day. Not because of my lack of sleep, eating, or mood but because of the things I need to take care of after school. It was something I didn't like doing but had to anyways. Not for myself, of course, that would be selfish, but for my little brother, it was to keep us safe, and above the poverty line.

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