Chapter 12

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Sara's POV

Math club was stupid. 

I moment I walked in, they were learning about stupid shit like polynomials and all the stupid grade 9 math lessons that were giving me PTSD. 

It was Thursday today and I couldn't go streetfighting because of my lack of money so I decided to go there instead. About 20 minutes into the session, I got a text from Jared to meet him in the library and gladly took the offer. 

We ended up studying and surprisingly, laughing and talking too, for about an hour straight. 

"Eugh, there're too many numbers and shapes. I don't get geometry, Jared." I rest my head in my hands as I let out a sigh in defeat. I hate math, with a passion. I was never good at it.

"You just need to concentrate and take the time to memorise the formulas," he explains.

"Me? Concentrating?" I give him the 'seriously' look before laughing it off. "Haha, no. Concentrating and I don't mix."

"Oh right, I forgot." He scans over his textbook again and gives me a gentle smile. "Alright, how about we try number 6 again, alright?" I nod in response. " The two circles below are concentric. The radius of the—"

He still manages to surprise me with his math skills. You'd think that a jock like himself would, stereotypically, be classified as a dumbass but he isn't. He's something much more than a stereotype and I curse myself for having the slightest feelings for him. 


Like one percent

Okay maybe like five percent, but not enough to actually think of him as more than a friend. He just didn't really appeal to me in that way. 

Something about that day back when he saw me almost cry (but obviously he would never see me cry. I don't cry in front of anybody). The last two days I've done a lot of thinking, no one ever really gives a damn about me even if they saw me almost cry. Everyone just minds their own business but him. He cares and he really shouldn't. 

"So how do you solve it?" Jared asks, snapping me back to reality.

"Wait, what?" I shake my head quickly from its thoughts and widen my eyes in confusion.

"The problem. How do you solve it?" He says as if it was obvious.

"Wait, what's the problem?" Geez, I was zoned out the entire time probably just staring at him like a lunatic.

He softly chuckles. "Alright, The two circles below are concentric. The radius of the large circle is 10 and that of the small circle is 6. What is the length of the chord AB?"

I audibly gulp. What did you have to do again to find the chord? Times the radius by 2, or times the radius by square? "This is so difficult," I groan.

"It's almost 4:00, the librarian is going to kick us out soon. You wanna study at your place?" Jared asks.

He hasn't been to my place yet, and nor would I ever let him. I've been very vague on the information in my life. I haven't told him about my family, Alex, my living conditions, or my uncle. Mostly because he hasn't asked, but even if he did I wouldn't tell him. We just never talked about those things.

"Um, no it's alright." I kindly deny him.

He furrows his eyebrows. "But we've barely gotten anything done today," He sighs.

As I start to pack up and put my math books in my bag, I suggest, "Then how about we study at your place, my brother's at a friends house so I don't need to pick him up until later."

The Nerd's Secret (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant