Chapter 20

500 11 7

Yay! We're in the 20's now!

Reminder: What characters believe isn't necessarily what I believe. In other words, just because a character thinks something, don't mean I think the same thing.


I checked myself over one more time.

My hair is in a nice sleek ponytail? Check.

My sweater covers my non-existent ass? Check.

The makeup that Anna put on me makes me look alive? Check.

The sweater she let me borrow was beautiful and something that I will definitely have to wear more often. The crimson wool matched my dark jeans and complimented my hair well. It reached almost mid-thigh and the sleeves went past my hands making it cosy and comfortable.

"I think I'm ready," I mumble to myself looking at myself one more time.

To say that I was nervous seemed like an understatement. I was a full-blown basket-case. My legs had a clean bouncing tempo while my fingers were picking at the skin around my bitten nails. I was also shaking pretty bad. I always shook when I was nervous or afraid, sometimes it gets so bad that I could barely hold a glass of water without spilling everything.

I wasn't really sure what it was, every possibility right about now made the knots in my stomach tighten. It could be the fact that it was titled as a 'date' even though we aren't anything more than friends. It could also be how the last date I went on was with the person I despise most in this world or how all of this, in general, reminds me of my past that I've kept deep in my brain as far as I could for a reason.

"Sar, you're shaking worse than my Nana," Anna states as she finished applying a perfect wing to her eyeliner. I watched her as she grabbed some lip gloss and brought it up to her lips. "If you don't calm your ass, I'll calm it for you," she tells me before finally applying the product.

I rolled my eyes and let out a long puff of air. "I haven't been on a date since Alex," I mumbled my confession. "I haven't done a lot of things since Alex."

She smacks her lips together a couple of times. "He probably won't even be there. Stop over thinking everything."

"Maybe you're right," I murmur, fidgeting with my fingers.

She gasps over-dramatically "Wait, what was that?" She cups her ear as if she's trying to hear me better.

"I said, that maybe you're right."

She leans in closer to me, pretending she still can't hear.

I roll my eyes and get up. I walk towards her and lean down so my mouth is right next to her ear. "I said that maybe you're right, shit head!" I scream into her ear.

"Ow, hey!" She slaps my shoulder. "That hurt! I'm wounded, Sar." She checked herself in the mirror one more time and fluffed her hair up before standing up and stretching. "Ready?"


+ + +

The moment Anna's car made its way to the house—that looked like more of a mansion than any house I've ever seen—I instantly spotted Jared sitting on the edge of the road next to a black gate that looked almost invisible in the night's darkness.

I watched as Anna got out of the car and I followed closely behind her, feeling an odd nostalgic feeling from the music inside making the ground shake.

"This is weird," I whisper to Anna as I caught up to her, "I don't like it."

"Just keep calm and this should be over soon," was her answer.

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