Chapter 18

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love this gif so much

Once again, writing this on my phone so beware of all of the mistakes!


Friday couldn't come any faster.

It was Thursday right now, and I just finished school waiting in the parking lot with Anna like we normally do with the rest of the students.

She jumps up on the closed trunk of the car making it shake and dip down quite a bit. "You're still going to the party this weekend, right? You're not gonna pussy out like last time?" She teases.

I've had a record of ditching parties last year and this year. It's not like I've been invited to a lot, it's just that they're a little overwhelming for me. Says the person that street fights and does illegal shit, I know, it's stupid, but I've never liked being surrounded by a bunch of stupid adolescents. It's just not my thing.

"Wow, I appreciate your bluntness. And yes, I won't," I bring my hands up for air quotes, "'pussy out' like the other times."

"Good, because you need a drink, you've been a little tense lately. I don't know if it's because of that Jared boy trying to be all Nancy Drew in your business, but you've just seemed— Earth to Sara? Are you even listening to me?" She waves her perfectly coral coloured nails in my face to snap me back to reality.

"Wait, what?"

She lets out an annoyed chuckle. "Never mind."

I shoot her a confused look before asking, "did I do something?"

"I just feel like—eugh, nevermind." She lets out a small sigh and takes her phone out of her pocket to play on. "So, you gonna go fight today? I feel like you haven't done it in forever."

"I would but I need money. I don't know how I'm going to buy groceries this week," I confess. How I'm going to find money is beyond me. I'm really regretting that stupid fight that I got too cocky on and bided all my money. If only the universe could give me a little push in the right direction where I could get money quickly without having to get a stupid part-time job would be nice.

"Just have dinner at my place tonight with Brady. My parents shouldn't care too bad," she tells me.

"Oh, come on, your parents hate—no, despise me. I remember the last time I was there they kept shooting me dirty looks and bickering across the table how I'm a bad influence and shit." I let out a laugh as I recall the stupid memory.

"Hey—" Her laugh causes her to stop talking. "For their offence, you were wearing a leather jacket and looked like some biker chick!"

"Hey!" I whine. "That was my favourite jacket."

"Yea, I remember. How did u lose it again?"

"Some asshole stole it from me because I couldn't pay for something," I explain and let out a small chuckle. "Anyways can we just stay at your house and leave after we eat dinner 'cause I don't wanna go home first then go to your house and shit."

"Sure," she agrees. "My mom won't be home until 6:00 anyways."

I nod and get in her car to go pick up my brother and go to her home.

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