Chapter 6

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"Throw" His deep voice demands and I do as he says. My black knife lands perfectly in the head of our make-shift wooden mannequin. At the moment, I'm at my knife throwing "classes" with Aaron, he's been teaching it to me since the.... incident. It a nice way to cool my anger. Now I'm not going to brag, but I'm pretty good at it.

"Well done, ninja." Aaron congratulates me, throwing one of his tan arms across my shoulders. "You'd kill the man... if he was standing still." He adds at the last second.

"That's why I need more training." I jog towards our mannequin and receive my baby from it. This is the first knife Aaron gave to me, Beth's very special to me (yes I named my knife Beth, fight me). She's been through so much training, she is a warrior. All the throwing knives I have are black but Beth has a special gold ribbon tied around her handle that makes her special.

"We can always hunt for animals and that's how you can practice fighting while someone's moving."

"What?" I screech. "No! Not the animals!"

"O yea, I forgot that you're an animal lover that loves to eat them," He snickered.

"Oh shut up!" I giggle.

I take my place again behind the yellow line Aaron made with spray paint about 10 meters away from my target. I grip my knife with my index finger laying on top of it as I put my right foot behind me, getting ready to throw.

"Let's make a bet, If I can nail this with a no-spin throw then you owe me 20 bucks." I turn to face him, searching his face for his answer. His face read cocky as if he had no faith that I could do it.

But I can.

And I did.

The look on his face was priceless. It contorted from cockiness to fear, fear to surprised, surprised to happiness, then happiness to anger in a whole of 3 seconds and I couldn't help but break into laughter.

"You... should have... saw.... your face," I say in between laughs. "It was.... priceless!"

"How did- when did-- what?" He asks confused as his brows lean towards each other.

"Magic." I twinkle my fingers around his face as he furiously wipes them away and shamefully hands me 20 bucks. I snatch it out of his fingers and put the bill in my back pocket.

"Alright, I think our lesson is done for today before you make me go broke." He says as he scratches at his thin black hair.

"Alright, see ya," I chuckle as I grab Beth and my two other knives that I brought with me and stick it in the waistband of my pants and throw my backpack over one of my shoulders and start to jog to my house.

The place where Aaron teaches me isn't too far from the area that I fight in so my house isn't too far away.

+     +     +

"Sara, Sara, Sara!" I hear Brady's voice as I open my apartment door.

"Yes, yes, yes?" I mimic his voice trying to sound as excited as he was. "How 'you doing, kid?" I kiss the top of his head before rubbing my thumb over it.

"I'm good. Can we go to the ice skating rink tomorrow? The place just opened up again!" He exclaims, jumping around me.

"Um, alright sure."

"Yay! Thank you so much"

"Alright, go do your homework if you didn't already, dinner will be ready at 7." 

And with that, we both left to our rooms.

After putting my knives in a safe under my bed, I laid down on my bed and started to re-read the Harry Potter series. I feel like no one can re-reads these books too many times, I must have re-read it about 2 times already, this being my 3rd.

Suddenly, my dying iPhone 4 started to buzz, signalling that someone was calling me. It was some random number but I decided to answer anyway.

"Hello?" I ask cautiously.

"Hey, 'almost friend' " A familiar cocky voice speaks.

"Jared? Is that you?" I gasp. Since when did he have my number?

"No, it's actually Sex God," He joked followed by a deep chuckle that vibrated through my phone.

"Ha, ha, real funny," I replied sarcastically. "Anyways, how did you get my number?"

"I asked your brother," He answered nonchalantly.

"He what?!" I basically yelled. 

"Yea, it's not a big deal, I--"

Without letting him continue, I leave my phone on my bed and stomp over to Brady's bedroom and knock furiously on the door.

"Brady, open up!" I yell.

The door creaks open slowly and half of his face is shown and the other half hidden from the door. "Yes?" He answers carefully.

"What did I say about talking to strangers?"

"To never, ever, ever, ever, ever do it?"

"Yea, so why did you give a man my phone number?" I cross my arms over my chest and start to tap my foot on the ground, looking for an answer.

"Because he said that he was your friend." He answers innocently but I could tell there was more to it.

"And...?" I trail off listening to see if there is any more to the story.

"And..." He sighs in defeat. "And he had sour keys..." He looks down at the floor now fully exposed from the door in his racecar pyjamas.

"You talked and took candy from a stranger?" I ask in disbelief. We go over this all the time especially since I do some bad things that some people may want me dead for yet he still disobeyed me.

"He looked like a teenager." He defended.

"Just because someone's a teenager Brady, doesn't mean that they're good! He could have still been a kidnapper or a murderer!" I yell but he stays silent, staring at the ground drawing circles with his feet. "We go over this a lot, kid because I can't lose you! We don't have mum and dad with us, we need each other!" 

If it wasn't for one of his tears splattering onto the floor, then I would have thought that he wasn't listening to me. I quickly kneel down to his level and embrace him in a hug.

"I... miss them... Sara," he cries in between sniffles. 

"Shhh" I whisper. "I know you do... me too." And I slowly let one of me tears trail down my cheek.


Woah, 5th chapter!

I was gonna do a time jump and skip Sara's and Jared's friendship, but I decided not to so sorry if this chapter took a while :)

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