Chapter 7

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 "Sara! My skates don't fit anymore!"

 Wait, what? How could he have grown so fast, I could have sworn he was still size 1! "How?"

 "I don't know." He responds confused. "It's too tight."

 "Well... good thing we tried them at home first. We'll just get some rentals."

"Rentals?" He asked.

"Like, we're borrowing skates from the arena," I explain.

"Oh!" He nods. "I knew that!" He lies still nodding his head profusely.

"Yup, whatever you say, kid." I got up from the couch that I was sitting on and ruffled up his thick dark chocolate hair. Thankfully, my skates still fit perfectly fine from 3 years ago. I quickly grab my small duffle bag that had some important things like water, extra socks, sweaters, and snacks and grabbed Brady's hand as we walked to the bus stop. 

 I stand at the bus stop, pulling my sweater tighter over my body from the cold weather. I really hate the cold, I didn't have much meat on my bones to keep me warm so I always depended on oversized jackets to do that for me. Sadly, I forgot mine today.

 To my surprise, the public transit showed up in a record time of 5 minutes, normally it would take around 20 minutes between each bus but I guess today's my lucky day. Let's just see how long the luck would last.

I got on the bus and paid my fare as I grab Brady's tiny hand in mine and took a seat. Thankfully, our community skating rink isn't too far away but is still too far to walk to. After about 3 stops, my little brother and I got off the bus and made our way to the skating rink. There weren't many people today, normally the ice would be filled.

First things first, I made my way to the little rental shack inside of the arena to buy Brady's skates. Most of the skates are in the back as only a couple is on display on the front. I went up to the counter and looked at a nice lady that looked to be in her 50's with greying hair.

"Hello, can you help us out," I ask referring to my brother and I. "I'm pretty sure he is a size two in kids but I still don't know."

"Sure, let me go get some skates in different sizes. They're in the backroom, I'll be right back," she explains and I nod in response. 

It was taking longer than I've expected it to. Really the nice lady would just have to bring out a few boxes, I don't understand what's taking her so long. 

"Hey, dimples," a familiar deep voice is heard behind me, as I feel his finger tap my shoulder. 

I turn around to reveal the infamous, Jared Harte with a sly smirk on his face wearing a baseball cap. "Dimples? Since when were we on a nickname basis? What are you doing here anyways? And why the hell are you wearing a baseball hat in a skating rink." I ask.

 "Alright number 1," he starts counting on his fingers. "We were on a nickname basis the moment you said 'almost friends'. Number 2, since I'm from California so I wanted to try skating. And number 3, you ask way too many damn questions. Oh, and number 4, it's 2016, alright? You're not allowed to shame baseball hats." 

I shake my head. "Don't call me dimples, I hate my dimples. Call me something else, Surfer Boy." 

 "Surfer Boy?" He questions with a confused look on his face. 

 "Yea dude, it's a pretty gnarly nickname, bro!" I impersonate a stereotypical surfer, trying to contain my laughter. He clearly didn't try to contain his as he just started to laugh out loud, triggering me to laugh along with him.

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