Chapter 15

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Alright my cinnamon buns, my keyboard has a bunch of keys that don't work so I have to write this on my phone. Sorry for the wait <3

Wow, holy shit, people are actually reading this book! Umm, thank you guys for almost 500 reads and almost 30 votes! I'm now so pumped to write this chapter so thank you guys so much!

A/N (Oct 17/17): Rewritten completely! If you're somebody like me and is too lazy/can't be bothered to read the new version, skip to the end to find out what I changed in the Author's Note ;)


I let go of his cotton black shirt as all the air left my lungs. I swiftly made my way to the school bathroom with clouded eyes.

This can't be happening, this shouldn't be happening. He should be staying in the dumpsters where he belongs not at this school.

I go to the last washroom stall; the biggest stall. I let my bony back slide down the wall as unwanted memories flood my brain.


I let out a sob as bits-and-pieces of memories kept making appearances in my mind. 

"Sara?" I heard Alex's young voice call out. "Sara—hey, hey." He lets out a small laugh. "What's wrong, pipsqueak? Why ya' crying?"

I couldn't speak through my clenched throat so I just ended up shaking my head. 

"Shh," He cooed. "Is it about your parents again?" He reaches his hand out to stroke my hair.

I nodded frantically. "It h-hurts," I sobbed, pulling my knees closer to my chest as I slowly rock back and forth. 

I felt his hands on my shoulder stopped me from rocking and places a soft kiss on my forehead. "I'll be right back," He told me. 

I now realised that he shouldn't have. 


My chest begins to tighten as it became impossible to breathe. History was definitely going to repeat itself, that was a fact. I'm screwed, I'm so screwed.

Having him here is only going to make school more problematic, it's only going to make my life more miserable.

I attempt to take in another breath but nothing came in, no oxygen, no nothing.


I watched him as he came back with an orange pill container. He sat down beside me and I just continued to watch as he carefully takes out a white pill that I've never seen before. I noticed that it had a 'M' on one side with a box surrounding it and what looked like a fraction on the other. 

He places down onto the ground and got his switch-blade from the back of his black jeans. He thoroughly cut the pill in half.

"This is only five milligrams, but since you're tiny, I cut it in half," he explains.

"What is it?" I croaked out.

"Just some 'O's', it's a pain medication, don't worry, it'll make you feel better."

I quickly nodded my head, took the pill, and placed it into my mouth, using my spit to chase it down. 

"Good girl."


I let out a sob as the memories rushed to my brain like a tsunami; memories where I kept hidden in a dark place in my mind.

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