Chapter 30 - Graduation Day

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Everyone was seated at their seat. One by one of the student names was being called and was given their certificate. Once everyone had taken their certificate, the Valedictorian who was Jack started his speech.

"Good afternoon everyone, first and foremost I would like to thanks the school board, the teachers, counselor and parents who took their time to come and see us take our cert. I would like to say to my fellow mates who are leaving high school is HURRAY finally we graduate!!!" Everyone laugh.

"It has been hell for the last 4 years for all of us but I would said that we were more lucky that the other batch of senior as we have a special friends who came in at the beginning if our last year to protect us from harm. The person who I wanted to said a special thank you is Toni Pearson. Thank you for protecting me when you saw me getting beaten up by Carl which is now part of both of our lives. You have been a great inspiration to me and all of us who you help. Thank you for putting your life on danger so that we all are safe. Thank you for being you and always be there. Thank you...Thank you...Thank you...Thank you Toni!!!" said Jack. The new school dean Mrs. Dorothy stood up and went to the stand and says,

"I would like to have Toni Pearson to come up on stage to get a small gift from the school." Everyone look at Toni and start to cheer for her. She stood up and walk up the stage. Everyone was calling out her name and cheer on for her. Toni shake her hand with Mrs. Dorothy and collect her gift. And smile at everyone. She saw Angie and Mr and Mrs Johnson was smiling and crying at the same time.

Mrs. Dorothy whisper to Toni to make a speech. Toni walk to the stand and says,

"I did not expect this. But thank you everyone for this gift. This is for all of you that was strong enough to make it this far. Please move on and continue to be strong. Live the life that you always want and if you need anything anything please come to me and I will help you as much as I can. I wish all of you success and happiness in the world. You guys deserve the best and wish to see you all in the future. LOVE YOU!!!" Everyone start to cheer for her. Jack and Toni went down one by one of the student start to hug her and end up making a huge circle of hugs.

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