11. Ferret

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"Bulstrode, for the fricking millionth time, use your own bloody hairbrush!"

I planned for my first day of classes to be nice, and smooth: I would have an early breakfast, read, and attend class, and read some more. Unfortunately, it's going the exact opposite, and my plan was thrown out of the window even before I got to look at it.

My two roommates, Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode woke me up late, and as we all rushed to get ready, we equally had our share of screaming towards one another.

Currently, I was yelling at Millicent who was taking too long in the washroom, and wouldn't return my hair brush. "I swear Millicent, if you don't get out of the washroom right now, I'm going to-"

"Ugh," she huffed in frustration. "You're such a..." her voice trailed off as she dramatically exited. She then, stubbornly gave me back my hair brush.

She really knew how to get on my nerves. Sometimes, I thought that the girl never learned a thing about me after six bloody years of sharing a dorm together!

"Pansy, are you hearing this? She spends a summer all alone with Malfoy, and turns into this! What did he do to you?" She smirked and gave me a suspicious look. I stared at her horrified, clearly not understanding her sense of humour.

"Why, what did you and Malfoy do this summer?" Pansy asked defensively. Her and Malfoy briefly dated in fifth year, but then resolved to just having a very casual relationship and are nothing official. Malfoy hated it whenever I teased him about her during the summer.

I put my hands over my ears, "Was that supposed to be a joke? It sounded like one to me, but definitely not a good one. Can you see? My ears are bleeding from you mentioning Malfoy and I. Just thinking about is disgusting. I would never date that ferret!" Millicent looked at me with a little bit of disappointment, expecting something more to happen. 

Pansy on the other hand, seemed slightly relieved about my reaction, and began to tease me. She added, "I don't see why you wouldn't want to be with him. He's a phenomenal kisser, and he does this-"

I gave Pansy a horrified look and covered my ears with my hands. "Stop! That is too much, Parkinson... I don't need to know these details. I never asked, anyway!"

She smirked with satisfaction plastered across her face, "Well, Zabini's not that bad either... if I didn't have history with Draco, Blaise would be a fine gentleman as well. You should think about this stuff more Trails, because before you know it, you'll be settling down, and you need to find a good one before all of them are taken."

"Hey, when did we start talking about my lonely future? And remind me, didn't you and Draco break it off last year?" I quickly brushed my hair and fixed my dress robes, and we began to leave our dormitory.

"Hey, we only broke up because school is just getting more intense... besides, it's not like he doesn't pull me aside to snog between classes," she grinned happily. "I just need to work my magic, and he'll be head over heels for me again."

I scoffed, and we continued our way out of the common room.

"But I'm all seriousness, Blaise. Should we make you two a thing?" Pansy asked.

"No thank you, I'd much rather Bulstrode have him!"

"Zabini's good looking nowadays. Come on Trails, what about you? Who would you choose? You're left with Crabbe and Goyle..." both of the girls began to snigger, and Millicent continued to taunt me.

I rolled my eyes. "None. In case you haven't realized, I recently broke up with my boyfriend. So, none is my final answer. Drop it," I said sternly and seriously, really hoping they would stop talking about it.

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