18. The Hogwarts Express

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It was time to head home for the holidays, well not exactly 'home' for me at least. At eleven o'clock, the Hogwarts Express would leave Hogwarts for Platform 9 3/4.

I brushed my teeth and changed into my jeans and a warm sweater. I was still trying to figure out if what happened last night was real, or a dream.

I tried to convince myself that it wasn't real, it was nearly impossible. Draco Malfoy only got to be as close as my friend. Nothing more.

He wasn't necessarily the greatest person, he was the school bully. His reputation was too precious to him and that's what he cared about the most. The school expected him to end up with someone like Pansy Parkinson. And during our fourth and fifth year, everyone who believed this theory was right.

Now, I'm just confused.

I pushed aside my thoughts and began to pack. I pointed my wand at my trunk which had clothes tossed in messily inside, "Pack," I watched as my clothes gathered into it neatly. I wrapped my Slytherin scarf around my neck and turned to face my roommates.

"Happy Christmas Millicent, and I'll see you on the train later Pansy," I gave a warm smile at Millicent, and waved at Pansy.

"See you in a few weeks," Millicent laid in her bed looking up at the ceiling. She was staying at Hogwarts over the holidays since her parents were visiting her sister.

"See you soon," said Pansy, who was frantically trying to clean up her part of the dorm which was a mess.

I walked down the stairs of our dormitory, and saw a blond with his trunk, speaking to Theo.

I had two options. Now would be my chance to go back up the stairs, and hideout in the girl's dormitories for a little longer, avoiding Malfoy, completely. Or, I could just get it over with, and sprint for the Great Hall for some breakfast. After all, I was hungry, and I was going to spend practically the rest of the holidays with him, his family, and mine.

Alright, I told myself. Three, two, one, I quickly speed walked to the exit of the common room, but I was stopped by a taller boy, Blaise, "Trails!" He called, I thought to myself, crap.

"Zabini!" I managed to sound a little off, but semi-cheery trying not to hide my disappointment of him hollering me over. I walked towards the group of boys, avoiding all eye contact with Draco.

"Have a good Christmas! Change of plans, my mother's travelling to Europe this Christmas. I'll be at Hogwarts for the holidays. I hope you'll have a better one than me."

I smiled at him, glad that he didn't ask or mention anything about Malfoy, and I hugged him, "It's really not that terrible, Blaise. It's quite nice here. Try to have a nice Christmas," I smiled quickly and exited the common room as fast as I could. I know that it was no use to try and avoid Draco since we'd be spending the holidays together, but I felt so awkward. 

I walked to the Great Hall, and barely anyone was in it, hoping that no one noticed me, I walked over to the Gryffindor table, where I found Ron, Harry, and Hermione talking among themselves.

After giving it some thought, I thought that despite that I was advised not to be friends with them, at least I'd try to make peace. This tension was the worst, and even though I wasn't allowed to be close with them, I'd like us to be civil.

I took a deep breath and hauled my luggage over to the table they were sitting at.

"Hey," I said flatly.

The three of them stared at me with wide eyes. Hermione gave me a small smile, Ron looked at my face, but not my eyes and Harry picked on his food, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

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