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Its been a week since me and my mom gave up everything and moved across the globe and it hasn't been as bad as I had planned on. I've already developed a routine but the only problem I was also already getting tired of my routine. The same thing over and over. Get up. Get ready. Go to school. Meet up with Lily. Go home. Eat. Shower. Sleep. Repeat.

But it was the weekend which meant I couldn't stick with my routine today. Time to develop a weekend one I guess. But this routine started out a little earlier than I expected. Why?

Because I was woken by four loud teenage boys in the room next to me. I was quietly asleep in my bed when I heard a loud "Where's the Vegemite?!"

Which I ignore until the comments got worse and worse. Eventually I heard a "What the fuck Michael you cheated!" And a "Stop doing that Calum!"

But I kept it all in until I heard drums. Drums. Followed by electric guitars and pretty sure there was a bass somewhere in there. I wasn't even tired at this point but I still would prefer some quiet. I eventually literally get tired of it. So I get up barley even brush my hair put it in a very messy bun, still without make up and sweat pants and an old tee shirt.

I marched downstairs to see Luke's friends. I go down there expecting to cuss them out when but as soon as I catch a glimpse of them I pause. They were hot. I know I sound stupid but I can't help it. They were attractive. From one them's fringe, the other's fluffy hair and cute glasses and of course the tone body and chocolate eyes of the other.

"What do you want?" Luke asks bluntly.

"Oh uh... I was uh...."

"Woah dude," Fringe dude says. "Who is she." His eyes my from head to toe. The rest stare me down and look at Luke waiting for an answer.

"Ew don't check her out!" Luke scolds and scrunches his face. "She's my dad's girlfriend's daughter."

"Oh," they all say unison. "So she's your step sister." Fluffy hair states.

"No!" Me and Luke say together making the boys laugh.

"Our parents aren't even married!" Luke says.

"Yeah exactly," I don't know why but I couldn't get myself to call Luke a stepbrother it didn't feel right.

They boys look at us with unsatisfied expressions.

Finally fluffy hair stands up and extends his hand. "Since Luke won't introduce us I'm Ashton." We shake hands and I reply, "Ella."

"I'm Michael," says fringe followed by chocolate eyes, "Calum."

"What'd you come down here for?" Luke says still unamused. That's when I panic. It would be rude to say "You are being too loud just shut   up because I'm sleepy and moody and want to sleep until noon."

"I uh... I... do you guys need anything? Uh -Mom wants to know." I finally spit out.

"No we're good," Luke says and starts strumming his guitar.

"We're about to head out to the mall to whatever," Calum says causally. "Wanna come."


"No she doesn't," Luke immediately cuts me off.

"Aww why not?" Michael wines.


"Aw come on man," Ashton tries to reason with Luke. "It'll be fun."

Luke says nothing but studies all of our faces before sighing. "Fine she can come."

The boys sigh in satisfaction as I run up to my room to get ready.

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