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I haven't been myself lately. I've found out about my dad about a week ago and I've kept to myself, I haven't really been around my friends and I've cut Luke out again. I don't think he took it personal though. He knew I was going through a hard time and I was. He doesn't even bother to knock on my door at this point.

Bree texts me updates but they are all the same. They're trying multiple things but it's not looking too bright.

I don't really come out of my room much. Just when my mom tells me to at this point. I just go to school in silence, come back and go to my room t'ill morning. They bring me dinner, I don't go out with them.

I'm sitting on my bed with Truce by Twenty Øne Pilots playing. I'm just quietly staring at my TV, not that what was on was too interesting. That is until I hear my door creak


"What is it Luke?" I ask quietly with no emotions.

"Hey," he give a small smile before sitting next to me solemnly. "What do you say if I take you somewhere? Get out of here for a little while."

I shake my head. "I don't know..." I trail off.

He gently takes hold oh my hand in both of his. "Please El, I think it'll be really good for you and there's this place I've been meaning to who you this place downtown for a while. It's really cool I think you'll love it."


"Please El," he persists.

I think for a moment before giving a light sigh in defeat. "Fine, I guess I'll go."

A real, bigger smile spread across his lips. "Be ready in a few minutes," and with that he walked out of my room.

I laid my back down on my bed for a few seconds taking a deep breath before getting ready.

Maybe this was good for me.


"Ready, babe?" Luke asks softly knocking on my door.

I open the door showing Luke in his back skinny jeans and Nirvana. I mentally smile remembering that he was wearing the shirt he was wearing when we first met.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

He bits his lip with a smile. "Great."

He walks me to the car opening the door for me. I step up into the car and closes the door, quickly walking around the front then climbing into the drivers seat.

During the car ride Luke tries to make small talk. He asks about how I've been, new music coming out and other small talk.

"We're here," he speaks. I look up at the small café in front of us. It's on a strip, connected to other stores and restaurants. It's dark wooden color and neon sign reading 'Charlie's Café' really sets the vibe of the place.

I step out of the car with Luke joining and walking me to the door of the building. He opens the door for me and I make my way through the door way.

The inside looked like I had pictured. With its dark hard wood floor and matching wooden walls. There was only about two or three other people in there making the environment even more cozy and relaxed. I couldn't help but notice the small stage in corner with a guitar and microphone resting on top of it.

"Charlie," Luke smiles gently putting his hand on my back, signaling to follow him.

"Luke, hello," an older man, probably in his mid sixties speaks behind the counter. A smile spreads across his darker face. "What can I help you with today?" He leans himself on his for arms over the counter.

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