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(Not edited, please don't mind the typos)

"Oh, how I'm going to miss you both so much," my mom whines giving us me and Luke hugs.

All four members of the family were currently at the airport. Me and Luke were about to finally fly to Ohio and I was so excited, yet anxious at the same time. I've missed my family, but I haven't seem them in a while. What will they think of me randomly bringing my Stepbrother along for the ride to my hometown.

"You won't need to worry," I laugh. "We're gonna be just fine. I'm excited to finally see everyone again." I smile, trying to hide my nervousness.

"Please, tell everyone I wish I was there too," she says with her hands on my shoulders looking at me. Her eyes are teary.

"I will, and I'll call you every night and text you as soon as we land, I promise." I tell her reassuringly. "It's only a little over a week."

"I know but this is the longest I've ever been away from her," she admits sadly. "I'm not used to it."

"I know," I pat her shoulder. "But this is good for both of us."

After a few more minutes of my mom stressing the intercom calls for our plane and me and Luke look at each other.

We finally say our goodbyes and board our plane. When we were finally separated from our parents I say, "we're going to Ohio," I smile up at Luke.

Luke looks down at me "can our parents see us?"

I glance behind us seeing nothing but a crowd of strangers, too far away from where our parents were. "No," I finally answer him.

"Good," he smiles intertwining our fingers. I lean my head again his shoulders while we slowly finish boarding.

We finally felt like a normal teenage couple.


"El," I am woken by a soft voice. I open my eyes and look around. The plane seemed to landed and people were starting to stand and stretch. I look over and the beautiful blonde boy beside me. He gives me smile.

"You were out," he laughs.

"I was tired," I chuckles shoving his shoulder.

We get off the plane and hand-in-hand and look around. The place is crowded and we can't stay still long. While moving i check my phone, "Bree said they're by the food place waiting for us."

"Where's that at?" Luke asks.

"Uh..." I look around. "There's a map!" I drag him towards the large map of the airport I spotted.

"Okay...so we're here and...." I trail off tracing my fingers across the map.

"Ella!" I hear a voice yell. I turn around, immediately letting go of Luke's hand.

"Bree!" I yell back. The curly haired girl runs towards me wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I'm so happy to see you!" I say smiling.

"Me too," she says as we separated. "Merry-early-Christmas Girl!"

"Ella!" I hear another voice belonging to my uncle Timothy.

"Hey, Timothy," I grin giving him a hug as well.

"Are you going to introduce us?" Bree asks laughing. I look over at Luke who awkwardly standing there watching our reunion quietly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I shake my head. "This is Luke my.... Andy's son."

"Very Nice to meet you," my uncle extends his hand for a shake. Luke accepts and shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, sir." He gives a polite smile.

This is going to be great.


After arriving at my grandmother's house it doesn't take long for the many baby pictures of me to come out and for Luke's face turning red from laughing. Along with Bree, my aunt, my aunt and grandparents.

"This one is my favorite," My full-of-himself grandfather laughs along pointing at a picture of six year old me with a yellow bucket on my head.

"Why would you even do that?" Luke asks, still laughing.

"Oh hush, I'll just get Andy to show me some pictures of you when you were little when we get back home," I tease.

"Tough luck," he scoffs. "My parents weren't into pictures... but man am I happy yours were." He starts back laughing.

I roll my eyes and try to look annoyed but seeing the boy I care so dearly about looking so happy around my family... it made me smile. I felt really happy in that moment when I was supposed to be embarrassed.

"I love you idiots," I roll my eyes at my family.

"We Love you too, honey," my grandmother smiles kissing the top of my head.


"So... you and Luke," Bree says.

We're alone in the bedroom that we are sharing. Luke insisted on taking the couch and wouldn't accept otherwise. So, I'm sitting with crosses legs on the bed as Bree picks out her outfit for tomorrow.

"What are you even talking about?" I try to play dumb.

"You know what I'm talking about," she says.

"Come on," I sigh. "Our parents are getting married, we're going to step siblings." I say silent for a moment. "And that's it."

"You Ella, are a terrible liar," Bree rolls her eyes, laying out a light pink shirt. "Who cares if you're parents are getting married? You can't help how you feel and from what I can tell... you both are feeling a lot about each other."

I stay quiet for a little bit. Bree has always had a gift on reading people as if they were books. She basically human lie detector, or like a psychic.

"Is that obviously?" I finally speak as soft as possible playing with the end of my pajamas sleeves.

"Of course honey," she says sitting on the bed with me. "True Love is as noticeable as a neon sign."

"Nice simile," I chuckle.

She sits down the full sized bed with me. "Who all knows?"

"Just like one of our friends, Michael. He walked in a kissing thing and we kinda had to tell him." I tell her.

"Yeah, I get that." She nods. "How intense was what he walked in on?"

"P-G," I roll my eyes.

"Mhmm," she shakes her head.

The room is quiet for a little bit, before I finally get the nerve to ask: "how's my dad?"

Bree's eyes shoot up, they look sorry. "He's... hanging in there, so I've heard."

"I want to see him," I whisper.

"I know you do," she nods. "And I think you should. It's what he would want." 

"You think so?"

"Definitely," she gives a sympathetic smile.

I look down at my hand. "Wait, so you know where he is?"

"Yeah," she nods. "The hospital uptown, you know what I'm talking about."

I smile, I think it's finally time.

A/n: wow, people are actually enjoying this story....didn't think that would happen. Thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart.

Oh, and since this is my first publish of 2018, Happy New Years!!

much love,
~lexi x x

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