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I woke up on Monday to my wonderful alarm clock. Me and Luke were sorta quiet for the rest of the weekend after my little breakdown Saturday. I'm not sure if what happened changed our relationship or what he thought of me but, I was thankful for he did that night.

I don't know what happened to me really. Something about seeing that picture in that moment flipped a switch. I couldn't hold it back.

I put on some black skinny jeans, a flannel, did my hair and makeup, then made my way downstairs. The morning was normal. Mom and Andy talking as usual saying the usual good morning. Luke coming downstairs not talking and the driving to me to school with no words.

We were about to pull into the school before I break the silence and say "thank you."

He looks over and me and slightly furrows his eyebrows.


I sigh, glancing at him and play with my fingers, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry about the other night. It was random I know but... thank you for being there for me," I finish. I find myself surprised that I'm a little nervous ego speak to Luke.

It's silent for a few moments as we pull into school and park. I begin to open the door but stop when I hear, "don't be sorry Ella."

I look over at Luke who gives me slight smile. I return and walk into school.

The day started like any other day really. With my usual routine of meeting up with Lily, falling asleep in History- all the usual. That was until the last bell rang. I had to go by my locker to put some books up and to take some out as well when I find someone unexpected waiting by my locker.

"Ella," the tall, not very familiar boy greets.

I look at him with uncertainty tilting my head. "Uh, hi."

"Oh sorry," he flashes a cheeky smile. "I'm Nick."

"Oh hi Nick... I'm Ella."

"I'm aware. I've heard about you," Nick says kinda creeping me out.

"Good things I hope," I say awkwardly.

"All good things." He starts walking hinting me to follow.

"Have you always lived here?" I started conversation.

He looks up getting his hair out of his eyes. "Yeah my entire life," I nod at this. "It's nice here," he adds.

"Yeah..." I trail off.

"Where are you from?"

"Ohio," I state pushing a strain of hair behind my ear.

"Cool. I like your accent," Nick says referring to my American accent.

"Thanks." I feel my self blush a little. "But Australian accents are best."

"Well..." he trails, "I guess I just have a thing for American accents I guess."

I notice that he clearly flirty... or maybe he just has a flirty personality, but either way I don't mind playing along. I smile about to reply when I am immediately cut off.

"Ella!" I turn around seeing Luke quickly walk towards me.

Confused I say, "Yeah?" Furrowing my eyebrows.

"We need to go," Luke's voice is flat and irritated.

"But-" but before I can finish Luke grabs my arm bringing me towards the direction of the car.

"Hey don't touch her like that!" Nick protests making Luke stop in his tracks. Letting go of my arm he marches over to Nick.

He stands face to face to Nick, muscles tense. They stand for a few seconds before Luke says, "Just-" he sighs before muttering, "stop acting like the good guy."

He re-attaches his hand to my arm, slightly more gentle this time, and leads me to the car.

We get into the car in silence. The music is off in car ride and all we hear is quiet sounds of the car moving. I glance at Luke who is definitely consumed in his own thoughts.

"Why do you hate him?" After saying I tense not knowing how annoyed he really is.

He looks over, "I have a reason. I promise."

Silence soon fills the room as I keep recalling what happened over and over again. Finally a serge of anger rushes through me.

"You know that was really embarrassing," I state. "What you did back there."

He chuckles. "Really was it?" I can hear the anger in his sarcasm.

"Yes it really was! It's not like it's not already hard enough for me in this place and now the school saw that!"

"You have it bad?" He shoots back. "Gah, no one even saw that! I'm sorry but everyone's world doesn't surrounds around you."

I look at him angrily. "You are so difficult! What you did back there was stupid and uncalled for. Nick wasn't even doing anything wrong."

"It was to go. I didn't have time wait on your flirt session," he rolls his eyes in disgust.

"Flirting huh?"

"Yes, Ella, don't act stupid." Luke snarls.

"Whatever what this even matter?" I ask.

"It doesn't okay. I'll just stay out do your life okay?" He finally says.

"Yes! Please! Thank you," sigh slumping down in my seat.

We pull up to our house in silence. I unbuckle myself opening the door.


I stop looking over at Luke.

"I didn't hurt you right? When I grabbed your arm," he says quietly. I roll my eyes.

"No Luke I'm fine.

- - -

Wooooooow this was bad.

Sorry guys I just needed to introduce Nick. Sorry it's so short.

Love you all

~ Lexi xx

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