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These past few weeks have been amazing. Me and Luke are better than we have ever been. At school we're together but no one, except for Michael, knows about what we are.

Our parents don't even have a clue, it's crazy. We're almost always in the other's room and when we go out, it's usually together.

The Holidays are near and I've been so excited. I'm going to get to go back home to Ohio and see my family. I love it here in Sydney but a piece of my heart will always be in Ohio, with my family.

Although I am really excited to go back home and be with my family, a part of me is kinda scared. Traveling by myself and everything... it's scary. Another part of me feel like I'll miss Luke, honestly. It's sounds cheesy but it's true.

"What are you thinking about?" Luke says with a bit of a smirk. We're on my bed with him currently laying his head in my lap while I play with his hair.

"Not much," I say with a small smile creeping on my lips.

"You are?" He teases, for some reason making my cheeks heat up.

"Have you ever thought about going to Ohio?" I ask, not being very subtle.

I hear Luke give a small laugh. "That's kinda random."

I laugh some with him, "you never gave me an answer."

"Honestly," He says. "The state of Ohio never even crossed my mind until I met you. But
after I have, and I've heard how happy it makes you, I would love to go there one day."

"Really?" I smile.

"Really," He clarifies giving me a returning smile.

"So, it's okay if you say know. You probably want to spend the holidays with your family and I totally get that but you know- if you want to-"

"You're rambling," Luke cut me off. "Just like I do when I'm nervous."

"Damn," I mutter. "You must be rubbing off on me."

"It's a two way thing," he chuckles and he was right. "And yes, by the way."

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I'll go to Ohio with you for the Holidays," he rolls his eyes finally sitting up. He faces me on the bed cross-legged.

"How did you know what I was gonna say?" I tilt my head.

"Because, you're easy to read," he laughs.

"No I'm not!" I protest.

He rolls his eyes, "Yes you are!"

I ruffle up his hair playfully and laugh, "am not you douche!"

"Hey, now that's not very nice," he teases messing up my hair in return.

"You're mean," I ruffle his hair back. Before I knew our hands were in each other's hair, messing it up, until we stop. We lock eyes, our hands not leaving our hair. We slowly move forward, our lips touch and move is sync.

My hands stay in his hair, tugging gently. We keep doing that for a few moments. Luke's lips slowly move down my neck to my collar bone. He starts to gently suck on my skin but I move my finger in-between my collar bone and his lips.

"We don't want to leave a mark, do we?" I smirk standing up and walking away from the bed. I casually grab a hair brush and brush my hair.

"Damn tease," Luke smirks shaking his head, running a hand through his hair.

"Oh shush," I laugh tossing him the brush. "Make yourself presentable. We need to talk to our parents about you going to Ohio."

"Right," he agrees but still sounds quite annoyed which makes me want to laugh.


Downstairs we find my parents in the kitchen fixing themselves some lunch.

"Hey guys," I say. "How are you?"

The both immediately look at us with a skeptical look as we both take our seats at the island.

"What?" Luke asks referring to the confused looks on our parent's faces.

They both share one more look before laughing. "What are you two wanting?" Andy rolls his eyes.

"Who says we want something?" I ask despite the fact that I knew the reasoning was obvious.

"Because we're parents and we know you two, too well..." my mother trails off.

"And we know that when you one of you two randomly walk into a room and start small talk..."

"You're wanting something," my mom finally finished.

"How can you guys finished each other sentences like that?" Luke asks.

"It's weird," I comment.

Andy and my mother look at each other before returning their attention to us. Andy speaks, "It's a talent. Now why did you two come down here."

This time it's me and Luke sharing a glance. I didn't know why I was nervous to ask something so simple, I guess I was just paranoid about them finding out about me and Luke. After an exchange of silent gestures me and Luke decide I should be the first one to talk.

"So, you know that I'm going to Ohio for Christmas and everything..." I trail quietly.

"Yes..." my mom carries on.

"I was wondering if maybe," I fiddle with my thumbs as I continue: "if you maybe Luke could go with me."

The two adults look at each other with yet another confused look. I can see the wheels turning in their heads. I look over and Luke who's looking at me. He gently sets his hand in my knee, behind the island so it's only visible to us. He gently rubs my knee with his thumb, calming my overreacting nerves. This is why I needed him with me.

"Why you want him coming with you anyway?" They finally ask.

"Uh..." How can I make this sound innocent enough. "Well, it'd be nice to you know- not be alone. Plus, Luke's around my age which makes me less uncomfortable as well."

"But whenever he gets there, everyone's gonna have to make room for him and everything," Andy notes.

"Yeah, but there plenty of room. We'd be at Aunt Heather's house and it's huge, I doubt she'd care." I reason.

"Plus," Luke adds. "I can just take the couch."

The looks on their faces are still skeptical and I bite my lip anxiously.

"I'll pay for my own plane ticket too," Luke says and I can see he's really trying.

They end up sending us to our rooms to decide. Me and Luke talk about we'll think they'll say in my room. He thinks they let him but I honestly don't know.

"You don't think their catching on, do you?" I ask doubtful.

"Nah," he shrugs. "I really don't think so."

Finally they call us into the living room and me and Luke sit on the loveseat and face towards our parents.

"So, me and Amy both love to see how close you two are getting. It's great for siblings to feel that way," Andy speak, making me cringe at the use of the word 'siblings.'

"Definitely," my mom adds. "Which is why we are letting both of you go to Ohio."

Huge smiles come over mine and Luke's faces but we trying to it cool, despite the fact I felt like 10,000 pounds were just raised off of my shoulders.

As we give hugs and thank yous I heard Luke whisper a quick note quiet enough for only me to hear:

"We did it, El."

A/n: This was a very boring filler chapter, I'm sorry. Next chapter will bring things back up.
(Btw I'm sorry for not updating in ages)


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