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Our friends took the news very well. Turns out they had a bet about it going on and kinda saw it coming. We've been staying at Micheal's house the past two days and haven't talked to parents yet. We know we should soon but are pretty nervous about it honestly.

Now we're helping Mikey set up the camp fire we're having tonight. The gang is coming over and we're going to roast s'mores and stuff. A way to get our minds off of things.

"When are you planning on talking to them?" Michael asks as he throws some fire wood in the pit.

I look at Luke. "We're still trying to figure it out," He says.

"Thanks for letting us crash here though, Mikey. We'll find out something soon." I assured.

Michael nodded, "It's no big deal."

The doorbell rang and moments later Ashton walked through the door. "What's up guys?"

"Not much," I shrug.

"Where's Cal and Lily?" Luke asks.

"Who knows?" Ash shrugs taking a seat and grabbing a marshmallow out of the bag. "They're always late."

"Hey," I playfully take the marshmallow bag away from him. "These are for later."

"Ugh, fine." He groans.

I sit down next to him and check my phone real fast.

"When did you tell Calum and Lily to get here anyway?" Luke asks Mike.

"Like 5 minutes ago," he laughs as we join too and shake our heads.

"Would you stop talking about us, we're here now." Lily says walking through Michael's back door holding Calum hands.

"Well, if it isn't the love birds," i tease my best friend.

"Well if it isn't the other love birds," she shoots back rolling her eyes.

"Stop bickering," Ashton warns.

"You're such a dad, Ash." Calum laughs taking a seat by the fire pit.

I look over at the sky and can't help but smile. "The sunset is really pretty," I say.

"You know what's prettier?" Luke asks.

"Hemmings, if you say me I'm slapping you for being so cliché," I jokingly threaten.

"I was going to say Calum, thank you very much." He says taking a seat next to me and putting his arm around me.

"Cake for life!" Calum cheers.

"Idiots," I laugh at the boys.

Just then Michael lights the fire and takes a seat as well. For a little bit we find ourselves simply staring at the flames, feeling the heats press against our faces.

"I can't believe we're graduating this year," Michael clarifies randomly.

"Me neither," Luke says quietly.

"Pretty crazy if you ask me," Calum laughs.

"Pretty terrifying if you ask me," Lily mumbles.

"What are you guys going to do after you graduate?" I ask fiddling with my bracelet.

"Taking over my dad's shop downtown," Michael declared nonchalantly.

"Hm, so no college?" i ask.

"Nah," the colored hair boy shrugs. "Not going to need it. Pays pretty good."

"I want to study health I think," Lily speaks. "Maybe be a nurse, still working out the college."

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