Chapter 1: Starting New

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"ISABELLA MARY VENETRA GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE OR YOU ARE GOING TO MISS YOUR TRAIN AND YOU WILL BE STUCK HERE UNTIL NEXT YEAR!" I heard my mother scream from downstairs. At that last sentence I raced out of my room. If I had to stay in this retched house one more day I couldn't stand it. I'm sure my parents were glad I was leaving as well. No more trouble for them with me out of the house.

"Great. Thanks to you Isabella we are 3 minutes behind schedule." My father says to me as we leave the house. "Sorry I just wanted to have everything ready." I explained. "I don't want excuses young lady I just want you to know that next time this happens you'll be getting the whip." Mum says.

At that I gasp. The whip is my parents' worst way of punishment. Trust me, there's a lot others. I just want to get to platform 9 3/4 so that I don't have to deal with that until winter. Summer if I'm lucky and my parents don't want me home for Christmas. I don't have any siblings and my house is distanced from everything else, so I've never really met someone my own age. I've always been so lonely and I hope that changes this year.

We finally arrive at kings cross station and onto platform 9 3/4. I stare at the hogwarts express in aw. It's even more amazing then I imaged. I've pictured this moment for years, and this is turning out to be better then I ever thought it could be.

"Get on the train now." Mum barks at me. "Mum it's still early, can't I wait?" I asked. "No I said to go now so go now. I don't want to have to look at you anymore. Now go." She yells. "Yes mum."

"And you better get in Slytherin or we are disowning you. You'll be and even bigger disappointment than you already are." My dad says. "Yes father." I say as I board the train.

I know, how can a parent treat their child this way right? I don't know, that's just how my parents have always been. Trust me, I would change it if I could. My parents are both purebloods, and they've been pressuring me for years to be a Slytherin, and now I'm only hours away from finding out if I will be one, and it's the most nerve racking thing that's ever happened to me.

My red hair flows behind me as I look for a compartment. I come across one with some boys and say, "May I sit with you guys, everywhere else is full?" One of the boys nod, and I sit. I see my parents walk away, not waiting to see me off. I'm free. I'm finally free.

A/N: hope you enjoyed the first chapter! There's no set schedule of when I'll be updating but I'll try as much as I can. Thanks for reading!

Together We're Different--a Marauders fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora