Chapter 17: Lost

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Since I'm on spring break and had a lot of extra time on my hands, here is an extra chapter! Enjoy!

Where am I? What day is it? It felt like I haven't seen the sun in days. I lost everything. James and Lily are dead. Sirius was sent to azkaban. But he's innocent. I know he is. Peter is the little sneak. He's the reason my best friends are dead. He's the reason I won't be able to get married, and the reason Harry will have to grow up with those horrid people. I shouldn't be here. I should be fighting for Harry, he needs to be around people who understand him. He needs me. The only problem; he doesn't know where I am, or that I even exist. Then again, I don't even know where I am. I have to get out of here. Wherever here was. Peter was apparently "destroyed" by Sirius, and as much as I want that to be true, and for Peter to have gotten punished for what he did, it's not true. I don't know what happened to Peter, but Sirius didn't kill him. I know that. That leaves Remus. He's all alone, why did this have to happen? Remus was always the innocent one. He deserves more than this. More than all his friends dying, being kidnapped, sent to azkaban, or being "destroyed". He needs more. He can't be by himself. I need to get out and help him. He can't do this on his own. I would escape, no matter how long it took or how hard it would be. I was going to get out. I AM going to get out.

Twice a day, everyday, somebody would come to my cell and drop off food, then leave. I wished I knew who they were, except they always had a death eater mask on. I always wanted to say something, I don't know what, but I just felt the need to say something. In the next few weeks I had started to get used to the routine.

1: wake up and eat the horrid food I was given

2: sit in my cell all day doing nothing and contemplating how the rest of my life should have been

3: be dragged out of my thoughts by some more horrid food, and then go to sleep

It really wasn't that hard to remember.

I obviously couldn't see anyone having fun at their kidnapper's house, but something about this place seemed worse than it should've been. It was like there was a feeling in my gut telling me that I didn't belong here, and that this place didn't seem right. Exactly like the feeling I got when Marlene died, and while standing outside the Potter's ruined house. It was just something about this stupid basement. It was like I had somehow been here before. But how could that be possible? It's not, I kept reminding myself. But I didn't exactly believe myself.

This feeling was awful, and I was scared. Yes, I know, me, scared. Isabella Mary Venetra was scared. That doesn't happen too often, so I knew that meant this was big. Day after day I would just sit in my cell, all alone, serving no purpose. What was the point of all this? It's not like I was put to any use, I was just taking away food from my kidnappers, so what was the point? There had to be some point to all of this. Or was it just fun for these stupid death eaters to torture me for nothing?

After no one knows how long, I decided that I needed to do something. I needed to escape. But how? I didn't have my wand. It was kept feet away from me, on top of a fireplace that I couldn't reach, just to mock me if how easy it should be for me to get away. I didn't have enough power to apperate with the amount of food I was given. So what choice did I have? The only other ways to escape that I knew, was to try to somehow get out and run, but I wouldn't get very far with that. Or, there was floo powder. But where would I get it? If I got out of the cell, the only thing I could do is run to the fireplace, grab my wand, and hope there was floo powder in the cup next to the fireplace. That's my best option, it's not much, but I had to get out of here, and this was my best shot. I would have my escape plan ready in time for when I got my crappy night meal. I would be ready.

Over the next few hours, I couldn't stop thinking about how much this place reminded me of something. Like a very distant memory, and a bad one, definitely. But what? I couldn't figure it out, and it was bothering me until I heard the cell door open. This was it. It was my time. No more time to think about what this place could be, because I won't be here soon. I was going to escape, and get my freedom back. I was going to get Harry and Sirius and Remus back. We would be a family again,even if we had to do it without James and Lily. I would take care of their son, and avenge my best friends.

My kidnapper was just about to slide my tray of food into my cell, when I began. I grabbed the person's shirt and banged them onto the bars. Everything happened so fast. I kinda just went with what was going on, and I was the amazing witch I was trained to be. I grabbed the key from their shirt and unlocked the cell door. I was out. But it wasn't going to be this easy. The person obviously came back, angrier then ever. I fought with all my might, but I was getting tired. I wasn't exactly in the best shape over the years that I had been here. I finally couldn't move anymore. The second person had coming down by now, and they were double teaming me. I had to take away their one biggest weakness. I went over to the first person, and grabbed their mask off their face.

No, no it can't be. I stopped in my tracks. I was in shock, staring at the face of a person that I knew all too well.

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